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WNS catalog - UN offices in Vienna

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
UN117.03 xlink WNS UN117.03
03118 - 03300
UN301.03 postage 1/31/2003 0.51€ multi issue=..anian Mola depicting two pelicans unwmk 1
UN302.03 1/31/2003 0.51€ d=Mochican stirrup-spouted vessel in the 1 0
UN303.03 1/31/2003 0.51€ d=Tarabuco woven cloth 1 0
UN304.03 1/31/2003 0.51€ d=masks 1 0
UN305.03 1/31/2003 0.51€ d=Feather headdress of an Aztec priest 1 0
UN306.03 1/31/2003 0.51€ d=Bird-shaped staff head 1 0
UN307.03 3/28/2003 0.25€ issue=UNESCO World H.. - Austria d=Art History Museum, Vienna 1
UN308.03 3/28/2003 1.00€ d=Belvedere Palace (2003) 1
UN309.03 4/3/2003 0.51€ issue=Endangered Species 2003 d=Baikal teal 1
UN310.03 4/3/2003 0.51€ d=Hadada Ibis 1 0
UN311.03 4/3/2003 0.51€ d=toco toucan (2003) 1 0
UN312.03 4/3/2003 0.51€ d=Egyptian goose (2003) 1 0
UN313.03 6/20/2003 0.55€ issue=International Year of Fresh Water 1
UN314.03 6/20/2003 0.75€ 1
UN315.03 xlink WNS UN315.03
UN316.03 postage 8/7/2003 2.10€ multi of Ralph Bunche d=Ralph Bunche unwmk 1
UN317.03 10/24/2003 2.10€ issue=Honouring the..f the Bombing of the UN Mission in Iraq 2
UN318.03 10/24/2003 0.55€ issue=UNESCO World ..- United States d=Olympic National Park 1
UN319.03 10/24/2003 0.75€ d=Everglades National Park (2003) 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16
Suffixes: .10, .11, .12, .13, .14, .15, .16