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WNS catalog - North Macedonia

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
MK001.07 postage 1/31/2007 12 multi issue=Cultu..e d=Fresco and Slivnica Monastery unwmk 1
MK002.07 1/31/2007 12 d=Kokino Observatory mould for ritual axe 1 0
MK003.07 1/31/2007 36 d=Fresco and Monastery complex of St Nikita 1
MK004.07 1/31/2007 36 d=Kokino - Sunrise over the marker indicating the Summer Soltice 1 0
MK005.07 2/14/2007 12 d=TEPELAK - Kicevo 18th - 19th Century
MK006.07 2/14/2007 36 d=Casket - Ohrid, 19th Century
MK007.07 2/28/2007 12 dt=fishes from River Vardar d=Cobitis vardarensis
MK008.07 2/28/2007 36 d=Zingel balcanicus
MK009.07 2/28/2007 60(d) d=Chondrostoma vardarense
MK010.07 2/28/2007 100d d=Barbus macedonicus
MK011.07 2/28/2007 100d d=Chub - Leuciscus cephalus 0
MK012.07 3/14/2007 36 issue=100 Years of Cubism d=by Borka Lazeski 1
MK013.07 3/14/2007 100d d=by Picasso 1
MK014.07 3/20/2007 12 issue=International Day of Francophonie 1
MK015.07 4/9/2007 12 d=cat (2007)
MK016.07 5/9/2007 60(d) issue=Europa 2007 / 100 Years of Scouting 1
MK017.07 5/9/2007 100d 1
MK018.07 5/9/2007 160.00 1
MK019.07 5/23/2007 50(d) issue=150th Anniversary of the discovery of St Cyril's Grave 1
MK020.07 6/5/2007 12
MK021.07 6/20/2007 36 issue=300th Anniversary of birth of Carl von Linne 12
MK022.07 6/20/2007 36 issue=100th Anniversary of death of Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev 4
MK023.07 6/28/2007 60(d) issue=Euro-Atlantic Security Forum - OHRID 2007 1
MK024.07 7/31/2007 36 issue=Centennial of the International Yacht Racing Union 1
MK025.07 9/19/2007 12
MK026.07 9/25/2007 12 dt=Well Known Persons d=Fan S. Noli
MK027.07 9/25/2007 12 d=Mitrush Kuteli 0
MK028.07 10/1/2007 12 issue=Child's Day 1
MK029.07 10/4/2007 36 d=Astronautics
MK030.07 10/31/2007 12 issue=Centenary of birth of Petre Prlicko 13
MK031.07 10/31/2007 12 d=CJordan Hadzi Konstantinov Dzinot
MK032.07 11/21/2007 12 issue=Christmas 2007 / New Year 2008 1
MK033.07 12/15/2007 12 issue=Tose Proeski memorial d=Tose Proeski 1

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12
Suffixes: MS