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7c denom (#11017)

  • Colnect-1699-081-Blue-topaz.jpg
  • Colnect-3264-095-Salisbury-Post-Office-1912.jpg
  • Colnect-3264-116-Deaf-Person.jpg
  • Colnect-3264-119-Mopane-Colophospermum-mopane.jpg
Desc: 7c

Currency: Zimbabwean dollar (100c=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 420

Users of this denom: Zimbabwe (4 stamps, 1980-1981)

Used by 4 stamps of Zimbabwe: (See all uses as list)

1980 7c issue=1980 d=blue topaz perf=14.75
9/1980 7c issue=Post Office Savings Bank of Zimbabwe 75th dt=post offices (1980) d=Salisbury Post Office 1912 perf=14.5
9/23/1981 7c dt=disabilities d=person with hearing aid perf=14.5
12/4/1981 7c issue=National Tree Day dt=trees (1981) d=mopane perf=14.5