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50c denom (#12825)

  • WSA-Philippines-Postage-1935-36.jpg-crop-251x162at718-450.jpg
  • Colnect-1536-883-Map-of-Philippines-Islands.jpg
  • Colnect-2840-865-Arms-of-Manila.jpg
  • Colnect-738-808-Palm-avenue.jpg
  • Colnect-738-815-Cayetano-Arellano-y-Lonz%C3%B3n-1847-1920.jpg
Desc: 50c

Currency: Philippine peso (c) (1000mp=1000m=100cs=100c=1p)

Numerical sorting value: 30000

Users of this denom: Philippines (11 stamps, 1935-1959)

Used by 11 stamps of Philippines: (See all uses as list)

11/15/1935 50c brn issue=Commonwealth inauguration d=temples of human progress perf=11
2/3/1937 50c car issue=33rd Eucharistic Congress d=map of Philippines perf=11
7/5/1939 50c redbrn issue=Foreign Trade Week d=arms of Manila (1937) oc=blk on=1937-20p-redbrn perf=11
1947 50c graygrn issue=1947 d=colonnade of palm trees perf=11
official 1948 50c grn issue=1948 official
airmail 3/1/1950 50c carrose issue=5th World Congress of Junior Chambers of Commerce d=Airmail
airmail 6/4/1950 50c ultra issue=Lions convention
airmail 4/25/1954 50c carrose issue=stamp 100th
airmail 2/23/1955 50c issue=Rotary 50th d=Albay volcano on Luzon sailing boat Rotary badge
airmail 10/20/1955 50c issue=1955 air d=Lt. Jose Gozar
1959 50c orgver issue=1952 d=Cayetano Arellano perf=11