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$2.00 denom (#18004) (United Nations usage only)

  • Colnect-2567-775-Jaguar-Panthera-onca.jpg
  • Colnect-2567-672-Unispace-Iii.jpg
Desc: $2.00

Currency: United States dollar (100c=1us$=1$=1p)

Numerical sorting value: 12000

Equivalent denoms used by United Nations: $2 (2)
Only used by others: 2$ (72)

Users of this denom: Ecuador (69 stamps, 2003-2016), Micronesia (10 stamps, 1999-2003), Palau (3 stamps, 1998-2003), Caicos Islands (3 stamps, 1984), Turks & Caicos Islands (14 stamps, 2003), United Nations (2 stamps, 1998-1999), United States (2 stamps, 2012-2015), Virgin Islands (3 stamps, 1995-2003) Show with all usages

Used by 2 stamps of United Nations: (See all uses as list)

6/19/1998 $2.00 issue=Rainforest Preservation d=Panthera onca (1998)
7/7/1999 $2.00 issue=3rd Conference on Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space