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50+25c denom (#21251)

  • Colnect-982-042-Children-with-balloons-house.jpg
  • Colnect-982-059-Mother-baby-rabbit-waiting-at-school-bus-stop.jpg
  • Colnect-982-085-Girl-sitting-among-aloe-plants.jpg
  • Colnect-982-095-Girl-performing-traditional-ribbon-dance.jpg
Desc: 50+25c

Currency: Aruban florin (100c=1g=1f)

Numerical sorting value: 3000
Second numerical value: 1500

Users of this denom: Aruba (4 stamps, 1995-1998)

Used by 4 stamps of Aruba: (See all uses as list)

10/26/1995 50+25c issue=Child Welfare 1995 d=children with balloons house perf=12.75x14
semipostal 10/24/1996 50+25c issue=Child Welfare 1996 dt=cartoons d=Mother baby rabbit waiting at school bus stop perf=14x12.75
semipostal 10/23/1997 50+25c issue=child welfare 1997 d=Girl sitting among aloe plants perf=14x12.75
semipostal 10/22/1998 50+25c issue=Child Welfare 1998 d=girl performing traditional ribbon dance perf=12.75x14