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25+10c denom (#21908)

  • Colnect-2193-069-Initial-of-the-manuscript-of--Ferguut-.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-053-Schoolgirl-with-moped.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-135-Barrel-Jellyfish-Rhizostoma-octopus.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-123-Maltese-cross.jpg
  • Colnect-171-403-Nursery-rhymes.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-166-Van-Brienenoord-Bridge-Rotterdam.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-155-Dragon.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-185-Civic-orphanage-Amsterdam-1960.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-180-Queen-Wilhelmina-Cancer-Fund.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-173-Children-singing.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-785-Social-Welfare-Funds--Linear-Structures.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-773-Bleeding-heart.jpg
  • Colnect-2193-747-Coloured-cubes.jpg
  • Colnect-2194-272-Wooden-church-statue-Joachim-and-Anne.jpg
  • Colnect-2194-259-The-sun.jpg
  • Colnect-172-428-Floriade.jpg
  • Colnect-2195-651-Red-Cross-activities.jpg
Desc: 25+10c

Currency: Dutch guilder (100c=1gld=1g)

Numerical sorting value: 1500
Second numerical value: 600

Users of this denom: Netherlands (17 stamps, 1966-1972)

Used by 17 stamps of Netherlands: (See all uses as list)

semipostal 5/3/1966 25+10c issue=Netherlands Literary Society 200th d=Initial of the manuscript of Ferguut perf=12.75x14
semipostal 11/15/1966 25+10c brtvio&dkbl issue=child welfare 1966 d=Schoolgirl with moped
semipostal 4/11/1967 25+10c dt=beach finds d=Barrel Jellyfish Rhizostoma octopus wmk=circles perf=14x12.75
semipostal 8/8/1967 25+10c dkolgrn&ver issue=Dutch Red Cross 100th d=Maltese Cross wmk=circles perf=14x12.75
semipostal 11/7/1967 25+10c issue=child welfare 1967 dt=nursery rhymes d=The Most Beautiful Flowers wmk=circles
semipostal 4/9/1968 25+10c gray issue=social 1968 dt=bridges (1968) d=Van Brienenoord Bridge Rotterdam perf=14x12.75
semipostal 11/12/1968 25+10c issue=child welfare 1968 dt=fairy tales (1968 Netherlands) d=dragon
semipostal 4/15/1969 25+10c issue=social 1969 d=Civic orphanage Amsterdam 1960 perf=14x12.75
semipostal 8/12/1969 25+10c org issue=20th Anniversary of the Wilhelmina Foundation perf=12.75x14
semipostal 11/11/1969 25+10c issue=child welfare 1969 d=children singing
semipostal 4/7/1970 25+10c issue=Charity 1970 perf=12.75x14
7/28/1970 25+10c vio&red issue=Fight Against Heart Diseases d=Bleeding heart
semipostal 11/10/1970 25+10c issue=child welfare 1970
semipostal 4/20/1971 25+10c issue=Charity 1971 perf=12.75x14
semipostal 11/9/1971 25+10c issue=child welfare 1971
semipostal 4/11/1972 25+10c issue=Charity 1972 perf=12.75x14
semipostal 8/15/1972 25+10c issue=Red Cross 1972