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$2.30 denom (#21952) (Ross Dependency usage only)

  • XF004.09.jpg
  • XF005.17.jpg
Desc: $2.30

Currency: New Zealand dollar (100c=100s=1$)

Numerical sorting value: 13800

Users of this denom: Aitutaki (1 stamp, 2016), Cook Islands (3 stamps, 2013-2016), New Zealand (19 stamps, 2009-2017), Ross Dependency (2 stamps, 2009-2017) Show with all usages

Used by 2 stamps of Ross Dependency: (See all uses as list)

11/25/2009 $2.30 issue=50th Anniversary of the Antarctic Treaty
9/20/2017 $2.30 issue=Historic Huts of the Ross Dependency d=Thank you Mrs Sam, Nimrod Hut