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500a denom (#2335)

  • Colnect-3922-133-Radar-station.jpg
  • Colnect-4550-789-Domestic-Cat-Felis-silvestris-catus.jpg
Desc: 500a

Currency: Icelandic króna (100aur=100a=1k=1kr)

Numerical sorting value: 30000

Equivalent denoms: 5.00kr (5), 5k (34), 5kr (5)

Users of this denom: Iceland (2 stamps, 1981-1982)

Used by 2 stamps of Iceland: (See all uses as list)

9/29/1981 500a issue=Skyggnir Earth Station 1st perf=11.75
6/3/1982 500a blgray dt=animals (1982 Iceland) d=Felis catus perf=13