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75l denom (#2519) (Vatican City usage only)

  • Colnect-150-712-Coat-of-arms-of-John-XXIII-and-figures-of-justice-and-hope.jpg
  • Colnect-150-735-Arrival-in-Rome.jpg
  • Colnect-150-863-Three-Saints.jpg
  • Colnect-150-891-Agriculture.jpg
  • Colnect-151-042-Michelangelo-s-Pieta.jpg
Desc: 75l

Currency: Italian lira (100c=1l)

Numerical sorting value: 450000

Users of this denom: Trieste (1 stamp, 1953), Vatican City (5 stamps, 1960-1973) Show with all usages

Used by 5 stamps of Vatican City: (See all uses as list)

special delivery 11/8/1960 75l red&sep issue=1960 espresso wmk=crossed keys perf=14
6/13/1961 75l ltbrn&gray issue=St Paul arrival in Rome 1900th wmk=crossed keys perf=14
3/16/1965 75l gray issue=Martyrs of Uganda wmk=crossed keys
3/8/1966 75l brnvio dt=reliefs of artisans wmk=crossed keys perf=14
2/27/1973 75l issue=40th Eucharistic Congress perf=13.5x14