Prev: 2.50fr+1fr (Belgian franc)
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2.50fr+50c denom (#28951)

  • Colnect-184-017-Belgian-British-Union.jpg
  • Colnect-184-129-Wedding-Jos-eacute-phine-Charlotte.jpg
  • Colnect-184-136-Tourism.jpg
  • Colnect-184-283-General-Patton.jpg
Desc: 2.50fr+50c

Currency: Belgian franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 15000
Second numerical value: 3000

Users of this denom: Belgium (4 stamps, 1950-1957)

Used by 4 stamps of Belgium: (See all uses as list)

3/15/1950 2.50fr+50c red issue=Belgian liberation 6th
3/14/1953 2.50fr+50c red issue=Belgian Red Cross 1953
6/22/1953 2.50fr+50c redpur issue=Tourism 1953 perf=11.5
10/28/1957 2.50fr+50c grn issue=Patton Memorial Society perf=11.5

All are semipostal