Prev: 30sh (Kenyan shilling)
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32sh denom (#30562)

  • Colnect-5962-537-Silkmoth-Bombyx-mori.jpg
  • Colnect-3368-871-Poultry-Breeding---Chicken-Gallus-gallus-domesticus-.jpg
  • Colnect-3368-870-Peace-keeping-Operations.jpg
  • Colnect-4615-920-Centennial-Olympics---Javelin.jpg
Desc: 32sh

Currency: Kenyan shilling (100c=1sh)

Numerical sorting value: 192000

Users of this denom: Kenya (4 stamps, 1995-1996)

Used by 4 stamps of Kenya: (See all uses as list)

9/29/1995 32sh issue=25th Anniversary of I.C.I.P.E. perf=13.5
10/16/1995 32sh issue=50th Anniversary of Food and Agriculture Organization perf=13.5x13.75
10/24/1995 32sh issue=50th Anniversary of the United Nations d=UN helmet perf=13.5
1/5/1996 32sh issue=100th Anniversary of Modern Olympic Games, and Olympic Games - Atlanta, USA perf=14