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11kr denom (#34265)

  • Colnect-157-973-Map.jpg
  • Colnect-5612-010-The-Map-Of-Olaus-Magnus.jpg
  • Colnect-5868-010-Merki%C3%B0.jpg
Desc: 11kr

Currency: Faroese króna (100o=1dkr=1kr=1k)

Numerical sorting value: 66000

Equivalent denoms: 11.00k (3), 11k (6)

Users of this denom: Faroe Islands (7 stamps, 1997-2019)

Used by 7 stamps of Faroe Islands: (See all uses as list)

5/20/1997 11kr d=Map of Faroe Islands
1/11/2019 11kr issue=100th Anniversary of the Faroese Provisionals of 1919
1/11/2019 11kr issue=100th Anniversary of the Faroese Provisionals of 1919
2/25/2019 11kr issue=Old Maps
4/29/2019 11kr issue=200th Anniversary of the Birth of Venceslaus Ulricus Hammershaimb
4/29/2019 11kr issue=Old Watermills
6/3/2019 11kr issue=For the Fatherless