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2ch denom (#4837)

  • Colnect-2783-284-State-Emblem---Conch-Shell.jpg
  • Colnect-3026-775-Maharaja-Bala-Rama-Varma-XI.jpg
Desc: 2ch

Currency: Travancore rupee (32ca=2ch=1a)

Numerical sorting value: 1920

Users of this denom: Travancore (4 stamps, 1888-1939)

Used by 4 stamps of Travancore: (See all uses as list)

1888 2ch orgred
1889 2ch scar wmk=shell
official 1939 2ch issue=1939 official a wmk=shell
5/9/1939 2ch org issue=Sir Bala Rama Varma 27th wmk=shell