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50h denom (#6966)

  • Colnect-2400-918-Reconstruction.jpg
  • Colnect-1146-421-Kyongju-Observatory.jpg
  • Southkoreastampday50hwan1956scott233.jpg
  • Colnect-1242-219-Reconstruction.jpg
  • Colnect-1432-566-Girl-on-Palace-Balcony.jpg
Desc: 50h

Currency: South Korean hwan (100wn=1h)

Numerical sorting value: 300000

Users of this denom: Korea (8 stamps, 1955-1961)

Used by 8 stamps of Korea: (See all uses as list)

2/10/1955 50h plum issue=reconstruction wmk=curved wavy lines
10/19/1955 50h plum issue=1955 d=reconstruction paper=laid
1956 50h vio issue=1956 d=Kyongju observatory paper=laid
12/4/1956 50h ltcar issue=stamp day 1956 d=stamp of 1884
1/21/1957 50h vio issue=1957a d=Kyongju observatory wmk=zigzag lines (Korea)
5/1957 50h lake issue=1957c wmk=zigzag lines (Korea)
12/18/1957 50h lake issue=1957d wmk=winged circle
airmail 12/1/1961 50h ltbl&vio issue=1961 airmail d=plane & girl on balcony