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10g denom (#8507) (Poland usage only)

  • Colnect-3971-187-Arms-of-Poland.jpg
  • Colnect-733-352-Eagle-with-number.jpg
  • Colnect-2109-899-Airplane-over-Warsaw.jpg
  • Colnect-3145-145-King-Sigismund-Vasa-Monument-Warsaw.jpg
  • Colnect-3987-370-Dr-Karol-Kaczkowski.jpg
  • Colnect-3997-261-Eagle-Arms.jpg
  • Colnect-4000-921-Eagle.jpg
  • Colnect-4003-180-Morskie-Oko.jpg
  • Colnect-4004-450-Martime-terminal-Gdynia.jpg
  • Colnect-4010-405-King-Casmir-III.jpg
  • Colnect-4144-874-Boleslaw-Bierut-1892-1956-President.jpg
  • Colnect-5122-566-Coat-of-arms-of-Poland.jpg
  • Colnect-4186-321-Children-at-play.jpg
  • Colnect-4227-544-Coal-mining-mineshaft.jpg
  • Colnect-4241-060-FDzierzynski.jpg
  • Colnect-4278-877-Sailor-tug-and-barges.jpg
  • Colnect-4280-190-Wawel-Castle---Surcharge-with-10g.jpg
  • Colnect-4286-698-Fencing.jpg
  • Colnect-466-809-Dr-Sebastian-Petrycy-philosopher.jpg
  • Colnect-2665-763-Great-Bustard-Otis-tarda.jpg
  • Colnect-4426-943-Cracow.jpg
  • Colnect-4481-689-Phoenician-merchant-ship.jpg
  • Colnect-3066-223-Phoenician-merchant-ship.jpg
  • Colnect-799-587-Artifacts-13th-century.jpg
  • Colnect-4627-381-Chrysanthemum.jpg
  • Colnect-2866-569-Map-showing-tourist-attractions.jpg
  • Colnect-1507-389-The-eight-birds-of-the-set-combined.jpg
  • Colnect-5364-260-Dressage.jpg
  • Colnect-2111-303-Emperor-Angelfish-Pomacanthus-imperator-Juvenile.jpg
  • Colnect-4659-656-European-Peacock-Aglais-io.jpg
  • Colnect-3962-652-Clianthus-dampieri.jpg
  • Colnect-2029-831-Runner.jpg
  • Colnect-2006-346-Prunus-cerasus.jpg
  • Colnect-3794-167--quot-In-the-Barracks-quot--ballet.jpg
  • Colnect-1985-961-Pisces.jpg
  • Colnect-4720-692-Face-value-with-posthorn-on-coloured-background.jpg
  • Colnect-3823-616-Lipkow.jpg
Desc: 10g

Currency: Polish złoty (100gr=100g=1zl=1zt=1z)

Numerical sorting value: 600

Equivalent denoms: 10gr (12)

Users of this denom: Poland (38 stamps, 1924-2001), German occupation of Poland (7 stamps, 1940-1943), Polish offices in Gdansk (5 stamps, 1925-1934), Polish government in exile (2 stamps, 1941-1943) Show with all usages

Used by 38 stamps of Poland: (See all uses as list)

5/1/1924 10g blgrn d=arms of Poland (1924 b) perf=9-14.5
1925 10g vio issue=1925 d=Sigismund monument perf=9-14.5
semipostal 1/1/1925 10g issue=National Funds wmk=lozenges perf=12.5
airmail 9/10/1925 10g dkgrn issue=1925 air d=biplane perf=12.75x12.5
1926 10g vio issue=1926 d=Sigismund monument var=redrawn perf=9-14.5
5/27/1927 10g graygrn d=Karol Kaczkowski perf=9-14.5
1928 10g grn issue=1928 d=eagle arms perf=9-14.5
1932 10g grn d=eagle arms lined bg wmk=posthorn mult perf=9-14.5
8/5/1935 10g yelgrn issue=1935 dt=scenic (1935) d=Morskie Oko (1935) perf=9-14.5
4/1/1937 10g grn issue=1937 dt=scenic (1937) d=Maritime Terminal,Gdynia perf=9-14.5
11/11/1938 10g grn issue=independence 20th d=King Casimir III perf=9-14.5
12/16/1950 10g blgrn issue=1950b d=Bierut no frame perf=9-14.5
postage due 4/3/1953 10g redbrn issue=1953 due d=Polish eagle 1953 (no imprint) perf=12x12.5
12/31/1953 10g blvio dt=children d=children playing perf=9-14.5
12/23/1954 10g redbrn&dkbrn issue=10th Anniversary of the Polish People's Republic d=Coal mining mineshaft perf=9-14.5
5/3/1955 10g dkpur dt=Warsaw monuments d=Dzerzhinski perf=9-14.5
3/16/1956 10g crimlake dt=maritime (1956) d=sailor & barges perf=9-14.5
7/6/1956 10g dpplm issue=1956 provisional d=Wawel Castle courtyard oc=blk on=11/10/1953-80g perf=12.75
11/2/1956 10g dkblgrn<brn issue=Olympics 1956 d=fencer lunging perf=9-14.5
4/27/1957 10g sep&ultra issue=famous Polish doctors d=Sebastian Petrycy perf=9-14.5
11/20/1960 10g dt=birds (1960 Poland) d=Otis tarda (1960) perf=9-14.5
11/25/1960 10g grn issue=1960 dt=historical towns d=Krakow perf=9-14.5
4/5/1963 10g dkblgrn dt=ships (1963) d=Phoenician merchant ship perf=9-14.5
1/25/1965 10g dkblgrn dt=ships (1963) d=Phoenician merchant ship perf=9-14.5
7/21/1965 10g dkgrn issue=Warsaw 700th d=Artifacts 13th century perf=9-14.5
9/1/1966 10g dt=flowers (1966 Poland) d=chrysanthemum (1966) perf=9-14.5
9/15/1966 10g carred dt=tourism (1966 Poland) d=map of Poland perf=9-14.5
11/7/1966 10g dt=forest birds (1966) d=The eight birds of the set combined perf=9-14.5
2/25/1967 10g ultra&multi issue=Janov Podlaski stud farm 150th dt=horses (1967) d=dressage perf=9-14.5
4/1/1967 10g dt=tropical fishes (1967 Poland) d=imperial angelfish (1967) perf=9-14.5
10/15/1967 10g grn&multi dt=butterflies (1967 Poland) d=Vanessa io (1967) perf=9-14.5
5/15/1968 10g sep&multi issue=Flowers 1968 dt=flowers (1968 Poland) d=Clianthus dampieri perf=9-14.5
4/25/1969 10g org&multi issue=Polish Olympic Committee 50th d=rings&runner perf=9-14.5
12/28/1971 10g dt=tree blossoms d=cherry blossoms (1971) perf=9-14.5
9/15/1972 10g issue=Moniuszko death 100th dt=opera&ballet scenes d=In the Barracks perf=9-14.5
7/31/1996 10g issue=Zodiac signs d=Pisces (1996) perf=11.75x11.5
postage due 6/18/1998 10g issue=1998 due perf=14.25
6/20/2001 10g dt=Polish Country Estates d=Lipkow perf=11.5x11.75