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Wilhelm Rontgen

  • Colnect-2683-325-Wilhelm-Rontgen.jpg
  • Colnect-1713-609-Wilhelm-Roentgen.jpg
  • Colnect-6060-793-Wilhelm-R%C3%B6ntgen.jpg
Short desc: Wilhelm Rontgen

Things in this design:
person Wilhelm Rontgen (syn. of Wilhelm Röntgen)

This design is used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Surinam semipostal 5/15/1950 7 1/2c+22 1/2C grn issue=Cancer Research Fund 1950 perf=14.25x13.25
Surinam semipostal 5/15/1950 27 1/2c+12 1/2C bl issue=Cancer Research Fund 1950 perf=14.25x13.25
Transkei 10/12/1984 30c dt=Famous People of Medicine
St. Vincent 11/25/1991 $1 issue=Nobel Prize Winners dt=Nobel Prize winners (1991) wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.5x14.25
Korea 11/8/1995 150w issue=100th Anniversary of Discovery of X-Rays by Wilhelm Rontgen

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