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animals of the USSR design type

  • Colnect-975-747-Saiga-Antelope-Saiga-tatarica-.jpg
  • Soviet_stamps_1974_ITC_3k.JPG
  • Soviet_stamps_1974_4k.JPG
  • Soviet_stamps_1974_6k.JPG
  • Soviet_stamps_1974_10k.JPG
Short desc: animals of the USSR

Used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)

Russia 5/22/1974 1k issue=1st International Theriological Congress d=saiga perf=11.75
Russia 5/22/1974 3k issue=1st International Theriological Congress d=kulan perf=11.75
Russia 5/22/1974 4k issue=1st International Theriological Congress d=vykhukhol' perf=11.75
Russia 5/22/1974 6k issue=1st International Theriological Congress d=Northern Fur Seal Callorhinus ursinus perf=11.75
Russia 5/22/1974 10k issue=1st International Theriological Congress d=Balaena mysticetus (1974) perf=11.75