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Paul Cezanne 2018 issue of Mozambique

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Short desc: Paul Cezanne 2018

Issuer: Mozambique
Date: 11/19/2018
Sort position: 18
Occasion: unset

Consists of 5 stamps: (See stamps as list)

116MT d="Houses at the L'Estaque", 1880; "Self-portrait with Palette", 1890
116MT d="The Card Players", 1890-1895
116MT d="Self-portrait", 1895; "The Seine at Bercy", 1878
116MT d="Self-portrait with White Turban", 1882; "Bibermus Quarry", 1900
300mt d="Self-portrait", 1887; "Mont Sainte Victoire and Hamlet near Gardanne", 1886-1890

All are perf=13.25