Aggregate public collection of Nepal

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1 to 104 of 104
Obj What Descr State Condition Value Notes
Colnect-4122-405-Sripech-and-Crossed-Khukris.jpg stamp postage 1886 1a bl d=sripech unwmk paper=native thin o
Colnect-2034-616-Sripech-and-Crossed-Khukris.jpg stamp postage 1886 2a dkpur d=sripech unwmk paper=native thin o
Colnect-4122-323-Siva%E2%80%99s-Bow-and-two-Khukuris.jpg stamp postage 1899 1/2a blk d=Sivas bow unwmk o
WSA-Nepal-Postage-1907-46.jpg-crop-148x112at219-192.jpg stamp postage 1907 2p brn d=Siva Mahadeva unwmk o
WSA-Nepal-Postage-1907-46.jpg-crop-141x114at380-187.jpg stamp postage 1907 4p grn d=Siva Mahadeva unwmk o
WSA-Nepal-Postage-1907-46.jpg-crop-150x121at700-187.jpg stamp postage 1907 16p redpur d=Siva Mahadeva unwmk o
No image stamp postage 1917 1a dkbl d=sripech unwmk o
Colnect-2034-621-Siva-Mahadeva.jpg stamp postage 1917 4a grn d=sripech unwmk o
WSA-Nepal-Postage-1907-46.jpg-crop-144x116at217-346.jpg stamp postage 1929 2p brn d=Siva Mahadeva 1929 unwmk o
No image stamp postage 1929 4p grn d=Siva Mahadeva 1929 unwmk o
No image stamp postage 1929 8p scar d=Siva Mahadeva 1929 unwmk o
No image stamp postage 1929 16p mar d=Siva Mahadeva 1929 unwmk o
No image stamp postage 1929 32p bl d=Siva Mahadeva 1929 unwmk o
No image stamp postage 1935 8p red d=Siva Mahadeva 1935 unwmk perf=14 o
No image stamp postage 1935 16p mar d=Siva Mahadeva 1935 unwmk perf=14 o
No image stamp postage 1935 24p yelorg d=Siva Mahadeva 1935 unwmk perf=14 o
WSA-Nepal-Postage-1907-46.jpg-crop-150x121at217-966.jpg stamp postage 1941 2p dkbrn issue=1941 d=Siva Mahadeva 1935 unwmk perf=11 o
No image stamp postage 1941 4p grn issue=1941 d=Siva Mahadeva 1935 unwmk perf=11 o
No image stamp postage 1941 8p red issue=1941 d=Siva Mahadeva 1935 unwmk perf=11 o
Colnect-4968-946-Krishna-Temple.jpg stamp postage 10/1/1949 16p redvio issue=1949 d=Guhesori Temple unwmk *
Colnect-1671-795-Balaju-Fountain.jpg stamp postage 10/1/1949 32p ultra issue=1949 d=sacred fishponds unwmk *
Colnect-4968-951-Map-of-Nepal.jpg stamp postage 4/15/1954 2p brn issue=1954b d=map of Nepal unwmk *
Colnect-1836-132-Crown-of-Nepal.jpg stamp postage 6/22/1957 2p dlmar d=crown (1957) unwmk o
Colnect-1836-135-Crown-of-Nepal.jpg stamp postage 6/22/1957 8p vio d=crown (1957) unwmk o
Colnect-1836-136-Crown-of-Nepal.jpg stamp postage 6/22/1957 12p orgred d=crown (1957) unwmk o
Colnect-1367-792-Nepalese-map-and-flag.jpg stamp postage 2/18/1959 6p red<grn issue=general election unwmk *
Colnect-4907-586-Lord-Vishnu-on-Garud.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1959 1p viobrn issue=1959 d=Vishnu (1959) unwmk o
Colnect-4972-410-Indian-Rhinoceros-Rhinoceros-unicornis.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1959 12p issue=1959 d=Rhinoceros unicornis (1959) unwmk o
Colnect-4972-411-Nyatapola-Five-storied-Temple.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1959 16p brn&vio issue=1959 d=Nakhta Pole Temple unwmk *
Colnect-4972-416-Nyatapola-Five-storied-Temple.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1959 24p dkgrn&carrose issue=1959 d=Nakhta Pole Temple unwmk *
Colnect-4974-019-Nyatapola-Five-storied-Temple.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1959 32p blvio&ultra issue=1959 d=Nakhta Pole Temple unwmk *
Colnect-5341-816-Nyatapola-Five-storied-Temple.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1959 50p car&dkol issue=1959 d=Nakhta Pole Temple unwmk *
Colnect-4974-021-First-Parliamentary-Session.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1959 6p red d=opening first assembly unwmk *
Colnect-4974-022-Renovation-of-Pashupati-Temple.jpg stamp postage 11/19/1959 4p olgrn d=temple renovation unwmk *
Colnect-4974-023-Renovation-of-Pashupati-Temple.jpg stamp postage 11/19/1959 8p carred d=temple renovation unwmk *
Colnect-4974-024-Renovation-of-Pashupati-Temple.jpg stamp postage 11/19/1959 1r ltbl d=temple renovation unwmk *
Colnect-1040-879-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1960 1r issue=King Mahendra 40th unwmk *
No image stamp postage 2/1961 5p issue=Mahendra & Himalayan peaks d=Machha Puchre unwmk *
No image stamp postage 6/30/1960 10p bl&pur issue=Mahendra & Himalayan peaks d=Mt Everest (1960) unwmk *
No image stamp postage 2/1961 40p issue=Mahendra & Himalayan peaks d=Mansalu unwmk *
Colnect-4969-551-King-Tribhuvana---10th-Democracy-Day.jpg stamp postage 2/18/1961 10p redbrn&redorg issue=10th Democracy Day d=Tribhuvan unwmk o
Colnect-5987-465-Malaria-eradication-emblem-and-temple.jpg stamp postage 4/7/1962 12p bl issue=malaria eradication unwmk *
Colnect-4972-400-43rd-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1962 10p blgray issue=King Mahendra 42nd unwmk *
Colnect-4972-401-43rd-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1962 15p brn issue=King Mahendra 42nd unwmk *
Colnect-4972-402-43rd-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1962 45p redbrn issue=King Mahendra 42nd unwmk *
Colnect-4972-403-43rd-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1962 1r olgray issue=King Mahendra 42nd unwmk *
Colnect-5982-619-Bhanu-Bhakta-Acharya-1814-1869-author.jpg stamp postage 7/13/1962 5p orgbrn issue=poets d=Archarya unwmk *
Colnect-1040-881-Moti-Ram-Bhatta-1866-1896-author.jpg stamp postage 7/13/1962 10p grnbl issue=poets unwmk *
Colnect-6624-274-Shambu-Ram-Prasad-Dhungel-1890-1931-author.jpg stamp postage 7/13/1962 40p olbrn issue=poets unwmk *
Colnect-2041-458-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 12/1/1962 2p bl issue=1962 d=King Mahendra (1962 a) unwmk o
Colnect-2041-497-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 1966 3p gray issue=1962 d=King Mahendra (1962 a) unwmk *
Colnect-4969-558-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 12/1/1962 5p multi issue=1962 d=King Mahendra (1962 a) unwmk o
Colnect-4969-563-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 12/1/1962 10p brnlil issue=1962 d=King Mahendra (1962 b) unwmk o
Colnect-4969-560-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 12/1/1962 2r org issue=1962 d=King Mahendra (1962 b) unwmk o
Colnect-4969-561-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 12/1/1962 5r dkgrn issue=1962 d=King Mahendra (1962 b) unwmk o
Colnect-4969-565-Education-for-All.jpg stamp postage 1/6/1963 10p olgray issue=UNESCO unwmk *
Colnect-4969-566-Education-for-All.jpg stamp postage 1/6/1963 15p brn issue=UNESCO unwmk *
Colnect-4969-567-Education-for-All.jpg stamp postage 1/6/1963 50p blvio issue=UNESCO unwmk *
Colnect-4969-568-Panchayat-System.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1963 5p bl issue=Panchayat System unwmk o
Colnect-4969-569-Panchayat-System.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1963 10p brn issue=Panchayat System unwmk o
Colnect-4969-570-Panchayat-System.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1963 50p issue=Panchayat System unwmk o
Colnect-4969-571-Panchayat-System.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1963 1r grn issue=Panchayat System unwmk o
Colnect-4972-406-Freedom-from-Hunger.jpg stamp postage 3/21/1963 50p issue=Freedom from Hunger d=person & wheat & tractor & FAO emblem unwmk o
Colnect-2041-475-Rastriya-Panchayat.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1963 10p grn d=map of Nepal & hand unwmk *
Colnect-2041-476-Rastriya-Panchayat.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1963 15p d=map of Nepal & hand unwmk *
Colnect-2041-477-Rastriya-Panchayat.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1963 50p blgray d=map of Nepal & hand unwmk *
Colnect-2041-478-Rastriya-Panchayat.jpg stamp postage 4/14/1963 1r blvio d=map of Nepal & hand unwmk *
Colnect-2041-480-44th-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1963 10p brnorg issue=King Mahendra 43rd unwmk o
Colnect-2041-482-East-West-Highway.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1964 10p d=map of Nepal showing East-West Highway unwmk *
Colnect-2041-483-East-West-Highway.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1964 15p d=map of Nepal showing East-West Highway unwmk *
Colnect-2041-484-East-West-Highway.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1964 50p d=map of Nepal showing East-West Highway unwmk *
Colnect-4972-395-45th-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1964 2p issue=King Mahendra 44th d=King Mahendra (1964) unwmk o
Colnect-4972-396-45th-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1964 2r issue=King Mahendra 44th d=King Mahendra (1964) unwmk o
Colnect-1980-261-Royal-Wedding.jpg stamp postage 2/27/1970 25p issue=Crown Prince Birendra & Princess Aishwarya wedding unwmk *
Colnect-1980-218-Personalities--Bal-Bhadra-Kunwar.jpg stamp postage 4/13/1970 1r d=Bal Bhadra Kunwar unwmk o
Colnect-1980-263-Birthday-of-King-Mahendra.jpg stamp postage 6/11/1970 50p issue=Mahendra 50th unwmk o
Colnect-1999-148-Universal-Postal-Union-Headquarters.jpg stamp postage 10/9/1970 2.50r d=UPU HQ (1970 Nepal) unwmk o
Colnect-1980-265-United-Nations.jpg stamp postage 10/24/1970 25p issue=UN 25th unwmk o
Colnect-1980-266-Tourism.jpg stamp postage 12/28/1970 15p issue=Birendra 25th unwmk o
Colnect-1980-267-Tourism.jpg stamp postage 12/28/1970 25p issue=Birendra 25th unwmk o
Colnect-1980-268-Tourism.jpg stamp postage 12/28/1970 1r issue=Birendra 25th unwmk o
Colnect-2026-431-National-Democracy-Day.jpg stamp postage 2/19/1976 2.50r issue=National Day 1976 unwmk *
Colnect-2043-448-Agricultural-development.jpg stamp postage 4/11/1976 25p d=rice cultivation unwmk o
Colnect-2026-432-Colombo-Plan.jpg stamp postage 7/1/1976 1r issue=Colombo Plan 25th unwmk *
Colnect-4968-131-Folk-Dances-Lakha-dance.jpg stamp postage 9/27/1976 10p dt=folk dances (1976 Nepal) d=mask unwmk o
Colnect-2026-443-Folk-Dances-Maruni.jpg stamp postage 9/27/1976 15p dt=folk dances (1976 Nepal) unwmk o
Colnect-2043-452-Folk-Dances-Jhangad-dance.jpg stamp postage 9/27/1976 30p dt=folk dances (1976 Nepal) unwmk o
Colnect-4968-137-Flowers--Lilium-nepalense.jpg stamp postage 11/7/1976 30p issue=flowers 1976 dt=flowers (1976 Nepal) d=Lilium nepalense unwmk o
Colnect-4968-148-Flowers--Cardiocrinum-giganteum.jpg stamp postage 1/24/1977 30p issue=flowers 1976 dt=flowers (1977 Nepal) d=Cardiocrinum giganteum unwmk o
Colnect-4968-141-Flowers--Megacodon-stylophorus.jpg stamp postage 1/24/1977 30p issue=flowers 1976 dt=flowers (1977 Nepal) d=Megacodon stylophorus unwmk o
Colnect-4968-142-Flowers--Meconopsis-grandis.jpg stamp postage 1/24/1977 30p issue=flowers 1976 dt=flowers (1977 Nepal) d=Meconopsis grandis unwmk o
Colnect-4968-138-King-Birendra%E2%80%99s-31st-Birthday.jpg stamp postage 12/28/1976 5p issue=Birendra 31st unwmk o
Colnect-2043-459-King-Birendra%E2%80%99s-31st-birthday.jpg stamp postage 12/28/1976 30p issue=Birendra 31st unwmk o
Colnect-4968-181-Kaji-Amar-Singh-Thapa.jpg stamp postage 2/18/1977 10p d=warrior Thapa unwmk o
Colnect-1975-777-Tourism--Kapilavastu.jpg stamp postage 5/3/1977 30p dt=tourism (1977 Nepal) d=figurine unwmk o
Colnect-6627-226-Asoka-Pillar-Lumbini.jpg stamp postage 5/3/1977 5r dt=tourism (1977 Nepal) d=Asoka pillar unwmk o
Colnect-1599-423-Great-Hornbill-Buceros-bicornis.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1977 5p dt=birds (1977 Nepal) d=hornbill (1977) unwmk o
Colnect-1785-944-Cheer-Pheasant%C2%A0Catreus-wallichli-.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1977 15p dt=birds (1977 Nepal) d=Catreus wallichii unwmk o
Colnect-1785-945-Common-Green-Magpie-Cissa-chinensis.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1977 1r dt=birds (1977 Nepal) d=Cissa chinensis (1977) unwmk o
Colnect-1785-946-Spiny-Babbler%C2%A0Turdoides-nipalensis.jpg stamp postage 9/17/1977 2.30r dt=birds (1977 Nepal) d=Turdoides nipalensis unwmk o
Colnect-1975-778-Dhanwantari-nepalese-God-of-medicine.jpg stamp postage 11/9/1977 30p d=Dhanwantari unwmk o
Colnect-4968-209-26th-Consultative-Committe-Meeting-of-the-Colombo-Plan.jpg stamp postage 12/5/1977 1r issue=Colombo Plan 26th meeting unwmk o
Colnect-5987-526-Birthday-of-King-Birendra.jpg stamp postage 12/28/1977 5p issue=Birendra 32nd unwmk o
No image sheet o

1 to 104 of 104