Aggregate public stamp collection of Thuringia

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Obj What Descr State Condition Value Notes
SBZ_Th%25C3%25BCringen_1946_112_Wiederaufbau.jpg stamp semipostal 3/30/1946 10+60pf brn issue=bridge reconstruction d=Saalburg Bridge *
SBZ_Th%25C3%25BCringen_1946_113_Wiederaufbau_PF_II.jpg stamp semipostal 3/30/1946 12+68pf red issue=bridge reconstruction *
SBZ_Th%25C3%25BCringen_1946_114_Wiederaufbau.jpg stamp semipostal 3/30/1946 16+74pf blgrn issue=bridge reconstruction *
SBZ_Th%25C3%25BCringen_1946_115_Wiederaufbau.jpg stamp semipostal 3/30/1946 24+76pf ltbrn issue=bridge reconstruction *

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