Issuer: Philippines
Issue: International Year of the Eucharist
Date: 9/8/2005 (2005 sheets)

Block 1 (12, 3 x 4)
1, 1:
1, 2: 6p d=by Carlos Vincent H. Ruiz
1, 3:
2, 1: 6p d=by Rommer A. Fajardo
2, 2: 6p d=by Telly Farolan-Somera
2, 3: 6p d=by Allen A. Moran
3, 1:
3, 2: 6p d=by Elquiza Athena Tentativa
3, 3:
4, 1:
4, 2: 6p d=by Jianina Marishka
4, 3:

External links:
Colnect 569258.._the_Eucharist