Stamps of Republic of the Congo, 3 base day

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1966, May 3 unwmk (no perf info)
- 50fr WHO building

1971, Jul 3 caterpillars (6 stamps)
- 10fr multi Pseudimbrasia deyrollei
- 15fr multi Bunaea alcinoe caterpillar
- 20fr multi Epiphora vacuna ploetzi
- 25fr multi Imbrasia eblis
- 30fr multi Imbrasia dione
- 40fr multi Holocera angulata

1977, Dec 3 Historic Personalities
- 200fr multi General de Gaulle
- 200fr multi King Baudouin of Belgium

1977, Dec 3 Aviation History issue (6 stamps)
- 60fr multi Trajan Vuia
- 75fr multi Bleriot
- 100fr multi Roland Garros
- 200fr multi Lindbergh
- 300fr multi
- 500fr multi

1977, Dec 3 25th Anniversary of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth II issue
- 250fr multi
- 300fr multi
- 500fr multi

1980, Oct 3 Brazzaville 100th issue (5 stamps)
- 45fr multi .20
- 65fr multi
- 75fr multi
- 150fr multi
- 200fr multi

1996, Jul 3 Aquatic Plants 1996 issue
- 90fr multi Cyrtosperma senegalensis
- 205fr multi Pistia stratiotes

1997, Jun 3 Calabar Potto issue
- 90fr multi Arctocebus calabarensis
- 205fr multi Arctocebus calabarensis (1997) (1997)
- 255fr multi Arctocebus calabarensis
- 300fr multi Arctocebus calabarensis

2005, Feb 3 Moringa oleifera (6 stamps)
- 30fr multi Moringa oleifera - bark .20 .20
- 70fr multi Moringa oleifera - root .20 .20
- 90fr multi Moringa oleifera - leaf
- 115fr multi Moringa oleifera - seed
- 120fr multi Moringa oleifera - flower
- 360fr multi Moringa oleifera - pod

2005, Oct 3 125th Anniversary of Brazzaville foundation issue
- 120fr multi
- 360fr multi


1972, Jun 3 International Book Year issue
- 50fr multi

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