Semipostal stamps of Albania

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1924 Red Cross 1924 a issue ovpted - towns (1923) unwmk
- 5+5q on 5q grn Kanina
- 10+5q on 10q red Berati
- 25+5q on 25q dkbl Vezirit
- 50+5q on 50q prusgrn Rozafat, p. 12.5

1924 Red Cross 1924 b issue (no perf info)
- 5+10q
- 10+10q
- 25+10q
- 50+10q

1967, Dec 1 6th congress of the Albanian Red Cross issue
- 15+5q multi First Aid Red Cross
- 0,25+0,0L multi nurse Child on Stretcher
- 65+25q multi First aid Red Cross & symbolic blood transfusion
- 0,80+0,4L multi nurse child

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