Stamps of Fiume, Nov 1919

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1919, Nov 1919c issue ovpted - Fiume (no wmk info) (no perf info) (13 stamps)
X 5c on 20c grn Italian flag on clock tower
X 5c on 25c bl Revolution
X 10c on 45c org Revolution
- 15c on 60c cl harbor & flag
- 15c on 30c vio harbor & flag
X 15c on 45c org Revolution
- 25c on 50c yelgrn harbor & flag
- 25c on 50c yelgrn harbor & flag
- 55c on 5cor brn harbor & flag
- 55c on 1cor brnorg harbor & flag
X 55c on 2cor brtbl harbor & flag
- 55c on 10cor olgrn harbor & flag
- 55c on 3cor orgred harbor & flag

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