Stamps of Monaco, 5 Mar 1949

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1949, Mar 5 Prince Albert I 100th issue unwmk p. 13x13.25 (8 stamps)
X 2fr brtbl Hirondelle I ship .20 .20
X 3fr dkgrn Exotic Garden with Hedgehog- & Columncactuses .20 .20
X 4fr blkbrn & bl Oceanographic Museum .20 .20
X 5fr crim Expedition to Spitsbergen 1906-1907 Princesse Alice II .20 .20
X 6fr dkvio Marble statue of the Prince by Denys Puech
X 10fr blkbrn Yacht Hirondelle II 1914 .20
X 12fr redvio Whaling after a painting by Louis Tinayre
X 18fr dkbrn & orgbrn Standing Bison by a polychrome cave painting in Altamira


1949, Mar 5 Prince Albert I 100th issue (no perf info) (5 stamps)
- 20F brncar Proclamation of the Constitution 1911
- 25F blblk Paleontological Institute in Paris
- 50F multi Prince Albert I 1848-1922
- 100F dkcar Oceanographic Institute in Paris
- 200F 100 Fr coin of Prince Albert I

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