Stamps of Panama, 0 perf

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1904, Jan 1 1904a issue unwmk (no perf info) (5 stamps)
X 5c bl
X 10c org
X 20c vio
- 50c brn
X 1p brncar

1904, Feb 1 1904b issue (7 stamps)
- 1c grn
- 2c rose
- 5c bl
- 10c org
- 20c vio
- 50c brn
- 1p brncar

1904, Feb 1 1904c issue (7 stamps)
- 1c grn
- 2c rose
- 5c bl
- 10c org
- 20c vio
- 50c brn
- 1p brncar

1904, Dec 1 1904 or 1903 issue (8 stamps)
- 1c grn
- 2c rose "Panama" in black
- 2c rose "Panama" in red
- 5c bl "Panama" in black
- 5c bl "Panama" in red
- 10c org
- 50c brn
- 1p brncar

1905, Feb 4 independence 2nd issue
X 1c grn map of Panama
X 2c red map of Panama

1906 1906 surcharges issue
X 5c brncar ++on=1p

X 10c olgrn ++on=12c

1936, Sep 24 100th Anniversary of the Birth of Pablo Arosemena issue
- 5c org ++on=50c-Airmail

1942, Feb 19 ovpted (no wmk info)
X 2c on 5c bl Balboa

1942, Feb 19 ovpted
- 10c pur ovpt, ferry

1949, Sep UPU 75th issue ovpted
X 5c bl ovpt, Balboa

1953 ovpted
X 1c on 15c blk Santo Tomas hospital

1956, Jul 2 popes named Pius unwmk (12 stamps)
- 2c ltgrn Pius I
- 3c carrose Pius II
- 4c brnred Pius III
- 5c ltvio Pius IV
- 6c graybl Pius V
- 10c ltbl Pius VI
- 20c grn Pius VII
- 25c red Pius VIII
- 50c brn Pius IX
- 75c redorg Pius X
- 1b yel Pius XI
- 2b ltvio Pius XII

1957, Aug 1 7th Pan-American Highway Congress issue wmk. star & RP multiple
X 3c graygrn Pan-American Highway
- 10c grnblk Airmail
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