Stamps of St. Vincent, 22 Dec 1992

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1992, Dec 22 25th Death Anniversary Konrad Adenauer issue wmk. St Edwards crown & CA p. 14
- $3 multi Konrad Adenauer & President John F. Kennedy

1992, Dec 22 UNCED Earth Summit issue
- $2 multi humpback whales

1992, Dec 22 15th Anniversary of the Death of Elvis Presley b issue (no perf info)
- $1 multi
- $1 multi
- $1 multi

1992, Dec 22 25th Anniversary of the Death of Konrad Adenauer issue (5 stamps)
- 75c multi
- $1 multi
- $4 multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

1992, Dec 22 Winning the Regatta Sail for the America's Cup by the Yacht "America 3" issue
- 75c multi

1992, Dec 22 Earth Summit '92 issue
- $1 multi Uncia uncia
- $1.50 multi Trichechus manatus
- $2 multi Megaptera novaeangliae
- $6 multi Brachyteles arachnoides

1992, Dec 22 75th Anniversary of Lions International issue
- $3 multi

1992, Dec 22 Winning the World Championship Formula 1 Race "Belgian Grand Prix" by Michael Schumacher issue
- $5 multi
- $6 multi

1992, Dec 22 International Space Year issue
- 10c multi
- $4 multi

1992, Dec 22 75th Anniversary of the Death of Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin issue
- 45c multi
- $6 multi
- $6 multi

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