Cuba flags (with synonyms) (with subtypes)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

Types | List | Gallery | No subtypes | No synonyms

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Name Issues/Designs
Cuban flag
(syn. of flag of Cuba)
d (4) - Cuban flag & women 2000, Cuban flag rifles 1969, Ligythouse & Cuban flag 1951, ...
flag of Algeria d - flag of Cuba & flag of Algeria & festival emblem 1965
flag of Cuba d (5) - Andre Voisin & flag of Cuba & flag of France 1965, flag of Cuba 1951, flag of Cuba & flag of Algeria & festival emblem 1965, ... syns. Cuban flag
flag of France d - Andre Voisin & flag of Cuba & flag of France 1965 syns. French flag
flag of Mexico 1935 introduction d - flag of Mexico, Aztec calendar, Olympic rings 1968
Soviet flag d - Soviet flag, Lenin and Cruiser Aurora 1997
UN flag d - UN flag 1995 syns. Flag of the United Nations

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