Fujeira birds (with synonyms)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

Types | List | Gallery | With subtypes | No synonyms

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Name Issues/Designs
Alauda arvensis
(syn. of Eurasian Skylark)
d - Alauda arvensis (1972) 1972
Alectoris melanocephala
(syn. of Arabian partridge)
d - Alectoris..nocephala (1969) 1969
Anser anser domesticus d - Anser ans..omesticus 1972
Aptenodytes forsteri
(syn. of Emperor Penguin)
d - Aptenodytes forsteri (1972 Fujeira) 1972
Calidris alpina
(syn. of dunlin)
d - Calidris alpina (1972) 1972
Charadrius dubius
(syn. of Little Ringed Plover)
d - Charadrius dubius (1972) 1972
Chiroxiphia lanceolata d - Chiroxiph..anceolata 1972
Chlamydotis macqueenii
(syn. of MacQueen's bustard)
d - Chlamydot..acqueenii 1969
Chrysolophus pictus
(syn. of golden pheasant)
d - Chrysolophus pictus (1972 Fujeira) 1972
Cicinnurus regius
(syn. of king bird-of-paradise)
d - Cicinnurus regius (1972) 1972
Cuculus canorus
(syn. of common cuckoo)
d - Cuculus canorus (1969) 1969
Cyanerpes cyaneus
(syn. of red-legged honeycreeper)
d - Cyanerpes cyaneus (1972) 1972
Egretta gularis
(syn. of western reef heron)
d - Egretta gularis (1969) 1969
Falco biarmicus
(syn. of lanner falcon)
d - Falco biarmicus (1969) 1969
Falco peregrinus
(syn. of peregrine falcon)
d - Falco peregrinus (1969) 1969, etc (2)
Fratercula arctica
(syn. of Atlantic puffin)
d - Fratercula arctica (1972) 1972
Gallus domesticus d - Gallus domesticus 1972, etc (2)
Geronticus eremita
(syn. of northern bald ibis)
d - Geronticus eremita (1972) 1972
grebe d - grebe 1964, etc (2)
hawks d - hawks 1964, etc (2)
heron d - herons 1964, etc (2)
hoopoe d - hoopoe (1964) 1964, etc (2) syns. Härfågel, Hoopoe - Upupa Epops, Upupa epops
Ispidina picta
(syn. of African pygmy kingfisher)
d - Ispidina picta (1972 Fujeira) 1972
Melleagris gallopavo d - Melleagris gallopavo 1972
Mergus merganser
(syn. of Common Merganser)
d - Mergus merganser (1972) 1972
Pelecanus onocrotalus
(syn. of great white pelican)
d - Pelecanus..ocrotalus (1972) 1972
Pharomachrus mocinno
(syn. of resplendent quetzal)
d - Pharomachrus mocinno (1972) 1972
Phoenicurus phoenicurus
(syn. of Common Redstart)
d - Phoenicur..oenicurus (1972) 1972
Purpureicephalus spurious d - Purpureic.. spurious 1972
Ramphastos toco
(syn. of toco toucan)
d - Ramphastos toco (1972) 1972
Ramphostos dicolorus d - Ramphostos dicolorus 1972
Struthio camelus
(syn. of ostrich)
d - Struthio camelus (1972) 1972, etc (2)
Tachuris rubrigastra
(syn. of many-coloured rush tyrant)
d - Tachuris rubrigastra 1972
Tauraco erythrolophus d - Tauraco e..hrolophus 1972
Treron waalia
(syn. of Bruce's green pigeon)
d - Treron waalia (1969) 1969
Turdus menachensis d - Turdus menachensis 1969
Uraeginthus bengalus d - Uraeginthus bengalus 1972

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