Barbuda reptiles (with synonyms)

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Types | List | Gallery | With subtypes | No synonyms

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Name Issues/Designs
Afrovenator d - Afrovenator 1996
Agama agama d - Agama agama (1999 Barbuda) 1999 syns. Red-headed Rock Agama
Allosaurus d - Allosaurus (1992 Barbuda) 1992
Ameiva griswoldi
(syn. of Griswold's ameiva)
Anolis bimaculatus leachi
Apatosaurus d - Apatosaurus (1992 Barbuda) 1992
Archelon d - Archelon (1996) 1996
Crocodylus acutus
(syn. of American crocodile)
d - Crocodylus acutus (1993 Barbuda) 1993
Dermochelys coriacea
(syn. of leatherback sea turtle)
d - Dermochelys coriacea (1993 Barbuda) 1993
Eretmochelys imbricata
(syn. of hawksbill sea turtle)
d (2) - Eretmoche..imbricata (1993 Barbuda) 1993, Eretmoche..imbricata (2000 Barbuda) 2000
Geochelone carbonaria
Thecadactylus rapicauda
(syn. of turnip-tailed gecko)

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