Central African Republic amphibians

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Types | List | Gallery | With subtypes | With synonyms

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Name Issues/Designs
Agalychnis callidryas d - Agalychni..allidryas 2014 syns. Agalychnis calidryas, Red-eyed Tree Frog
blue poison dart frog syns. Dendrobates azureus
cane toad syns. Bufo marinus
Dendrobates sp. d - Dendrobates sp. 2001
Discoglossus pictus d - Discoglossus pictus 2001
European tree frog syns. Hyla arborea
fire salamander syns. Salamandra salamandra
Mexican burrowing caecilian syns. Dermophis mexicanus
Oophaga pumilio d - Oophaga pumilio 2014
Osteopilus pulchrilineatus d - Osteopilu..ilineatus 2014
Phyllomedusa sauvagii d - Phyllomed.. sauvagii 2014
smoky jungle frog syns. Leptodactylus pentadactylus

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