Central African Republic philatelic exhibitions (with subtypes)

This page lists real-world things connected to stamps, such as persons, organizations, animals, plants, and objects.

Types | List | Gallery | No subtypes | With synonyms

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Name Issues/Designs
ARPHILA 75 1975 - ... syns. ARPHILA '75
BELGICA 2001 2001 - ... '01 syns. BELGICA '01
Centraphilex 1972 1972 - ...
China '96 1996 - ...
Olymphilex '85 1985 - ...
Philexafrique II 1979 - ... syns. Philexafrique '79, Philexafrique 2
Philexafrique III 1985 (2) - Philexafrique '85, PHILEXAFRIQUE '85 b syns. Philexafrique '85, Philexafrique 1985, Philexafrique 3
ROSSICA 2013 2012 - ... in 2012

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