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WNS catalog - Uganda

Name: WNS
Abbrev: WNS
Full name: World Numbering System

Number Type Isort Sort Source
UG010.15. postage 11/27/2015 10000sh multi issue..yrs Shrine Namugongo 2014 unwmk perf=13 1
11 - 4211
UG4212. 3/30/2012 3400sh dt=fauna of the Afric..ouin's snake eagle Circaetus beaudouini
UG001.02 5/8/2002 1200sh issue=Year of the Horse 2002 1
UG002.02 5/8/2002 1200sh same as prev 1 0
UG003.02 5/8/2002 1200sh 1 0
UG004.02 5/8/2002 3000sh 1
UG005.02 5/8/2002 400sh issue=Historical Sites ..2002 Uganda) d=Namugongo Shrine, Uganda 2
UG006.02 5/8/2002 800sh d=Mahurubi Palace Ruins - Zanzibar 2
UG007.02 5/8/2002 1200sh d=King's Burial Grounds, Hoima, Uganda 2
UG008.02 5/8/2002 1400sh d=National Museum of Kenya - Conservation of Monuments, Kenya 2
UG009.02 6/17/2002 1500sh issue=Queen Elizabeth II accession 50th 1
UG010.02 6/17/2002 1500sh 1 0
UG011.02 6/17/2002 1500sh 1 0
UG012.02 6/17/2002 1500sh 1 0
UG013.02 6/17/2002 3500sh 1
UG014.02 7/1/2002 1400sh issue=20th World Scout Jamboree 1
UG015.02 7/1/2002 1400sh 1 0
UG016.02 7/1/2002 1400sh 1 0
UG017.02 7/1/2002 1400sh 1 0
UG018.02 7/1/2002 3500sh perf=13.5 1
UG019.02 7/1/2002 2000sh issue=International Year of Mountains d=Mount Tateyama, Japan 2
UG020.02 7/1/2002 2000sh d=Mount Nikko Semdjoda-Hara, Japan 2 0
UG021.02 7/1/2002 2000sh d=Mount Hodaka, Japan 2 0
UG022.02 7/1/2002 3500sh d=Mount Fuji, Japan 2
UG023.02 7/1/2002 1500sh issue=United We Stand 3
UG024.02 7/8/2002 400sh issue=8th International Congress on Women 1
UG025.02 7/8/2002 1200sh 1
UG026.02 7/15/2002 1200sh issue=Winter Olympics 2002 1
UG027.02 7/15/2002 1200sh 1 0
UG028.02 11/6/2002 500sh issue=Queen Mother Memorial 1
UG029.02 11/6/2002 500sh 1 0
UG030.02 11/6/2002 500sh 1 0
UG031.02 11/6/2002 500sh 1 0
UG032.02 11/6/2002 2500sh 1
UG033.02 12/6/2002 1000sh dt=flora & fauna (2002 Uganda) d=Termitomyces microcarpus 7
UG034.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Agaricus trisulphuratus 8
UG035.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Macrolepiota zeyheri (2002) 9
UG036.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Lentinus stupeus 10
UG037.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Lentinus sajor-caju (2002) 11
UG038.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Lentinus velutinus 12
UG039.02 12/6/2002 1400sh d=Cyptotrama asprata
UG040.02 12/6/2002 4000sh d=Podoscypha parvula
UG041.02 12/6/2002 400sh d=Ceratotherium simum (2002)
UG042.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Kobus kob (2002 Uganda) perf=14
UG043.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Alcelaphus buselaphus (2002) 0
UG044.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Damaliscus lunatus (a) 0
UG045.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Papio anubis (2002) 0
UG046.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Panthera leo (2002 Uganda) 0
UG047.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Phacochoerus africanus 0
UG048.02 12/6/2002 4000sh d=Kobus ellipsiprymnus (2002) perf=14
UG049.02 12/6/2002 800sh d=Macrotermes subhyalinus
UG050.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Nudaurelia cytherea 1
UG051.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Locusta migratoria (2002) 2
UG052.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Anacridium aegyptium 3
UG053.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Mantis polyspilota 6
UG054.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Papilio dardanus (2002 Uganda) 5
UG055.02 12/6/2002 1000sh d=Sternotomis bohemanni 4
UG056.02 12/6/2002 4000sh d=Glossina austeni
UG057.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Gloriosa superba (2002 Uganda)
UG058.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Canarina eminii 0
UG059.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Vigna unguiculata 0
UG060.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Gardenia ternifolia 0
UG061.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Carnavalia rosea 0
UG062.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Hibiscus calyphyllus (2002) 0
UG063.02 12/6/2002 1200sh d=Nymphaea lotus 0
UG064.02 12/6/2002 4000sh d=Abutilon grandiflorum perf=14
UG065.02 12/30/2002 1200sh issue=John F. Kennedy 85th dt=John F Kennedy 1
UG066.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 1 0
UG067.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 1 0
UG068.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 1 0
UG069.02 12/30/2002 1400sh 1
UG070.02 12/30/2002 1400sh 1 0
UG071.02 12/30/2002 1400sh 1 0
UG072.02 12/30/2002 1400sh 1 0
UG073.02 12/30/2002 1200sh issue=Princess Diana dt=Princess Diana 2
UG074.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 2 0
UG075.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 2 0
UG076.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 2 0
UG077.02 12/30/2002 2000sh 2
UG078.02 12/30/2002 2000sh 2 0
UG079.02 12/30/2002 2000sh 2 0
UG080.02 12/30/2002 2000sh 2 0
UG081.02 12/30/2002 1400sh issue=Ronald Reagan dt=Ronald Reagan (2002 Uganda) 3
UG082.02 12/30/2002 1400sh 3 0
UG083.02 12/30/2002 1400sh 3 0
UG084.02 12/30/2002 1400sh 3 0
UG085.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 3
UG086.02 12/30/2002 1200sh 3 0
UG087.02 12/30/2002 1200sh d=Ronald Reagan in bow tie, smiling 3 0
UG088.02 12/30/2002 1200sh d=Ronald Reagan in bow tie with mouth open 3 0
UG001.03 2/24/2003 1000sh issue=Year of the Ram 2003 1
UG002.03 2/24/2003 1000sh 1 0
UG003.03 2/24/2003 1000sh 1 0
UG004.03 2/24/2003 1000sh 1 0
UG005.03 2/24/2003 1000sh 1 0
UG006.03 2/24/2003 1000sh 1 0
UG007.03 5/26/2003 400sh issue=Famous Painters ..sai Eisen - 'Beauty arranging her hair' 1 2
UG008.03 5/26/2003 1000sh d=Japanese Masterpieces - Kitigawa Tsukimaro - 'Geishas' 1
UG009.03 5/26/2003 1200sh d=Japanese Masterpiec..anobu - 'Slun Bijin' or 'True beauties' 1
UG010.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Japanese Masterpieces - Kitigawa Tsukimaro - 'Geishas' 1
UG011.03 5/26/2003 1200sh d=Japanese Masterpiec..Toyohara Kunichika - 'Scene in a villa' 1
UG012.03 5/26/2003 1200sh 1 0
UG013.03 5/26/2003 1200sh d=Japanese Masterpiec..a Kunisada - 'Visiting a flower garden' 1 0
UG014.03 5/26/2003 1200sh 1 0
UG015.03 5/26/2003 5000sh d=Japanese Masterpieces - Chikakazu - 'Woman & children' 1
UG016.03 5/26/2003 400sh d=Joan Miró - 'Group of personages in the forest' 1 1
UG017.03 5/26/2003 800sh d=Nocturne - Joan Miro 1
UG018.03 5/26/2003 1200sh d=Joan Miró - 'The smile of a tear' 1
UG019.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Joan Miró - 'Personage before the sun' 1
UG020.03 5/26/2003 3500sh d=Joan Miró - 'Woman..hairs, birds and constellations' imperf 1
UG021.03 5/26/2003 3500sh d=Joan Miró - 'Self portrait' 1 0
UG022.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Joan Miró - 'Man's head III' 1
UG023.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Joan Miró - 'Catalan peasant by moonlight' 1 0
UG024.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Joan Miró - 'Woman in the night' 1 0
UG025.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Joan Miró - 'Seated Woman' 1 0
UG026.03 5/26/2003 400sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - Jacob blessing the Sons of Joseph' 1 3
UG027.03 5/26/2003 1000sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - ' A young Woman in profile with fan' 1
UG028.03 5/26/2003 1200sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - ' The Apostle Peter (Kneeling)' 1
UG029.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - ' The Painter Hendrick Martensz Sorgh' 1
UG030.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - ' Portrait of Margaretha De Geer' 1 0
UG031.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - ' Portrait of a white haired Man' 1 0
UG032.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - ' Portrait of Nicolaes Ruts' 1 0
UG033.03 5/26/2003 1400sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - ' Portrait of Catarina Hooghsaet' 1 0
UG034.03 5/26/2003 5000sh d=Rembrandt van Rijn - 'joseph accused by Potiphar's wife' 1
UG035.03 6/16/2003 400sh issue=2nd Birthday of Princess Katrina Ssangalyambogo 1
UG036.03 6/16/2003 1200sh 1
UG037.03 6/16/2003 1400sh 1
UG038.03 7/15/2003 2000sh issue=Queen Elizabeth II coronation 50th 1 1
UG039.03 7/15/2003 2000sh 1 2
UG040.03 7/15/2003 2000sh 1 3
UG041.03 7/15/2003 3500sh 1
UG042.03 7/15/2003 2000sh issue=Prince William 21st 2
UG043.03 7/15/2003 2000sh 2 0
UG044.03 7/15/2003 2000sh 2 0
UG045.03 7/15/2003 5000sh 2
UG046.03 7/15/2003 1200sh issue=Cadillac 100th d=1979 Seville Elegante 3
UG047.03 7/15/2003 1200sh d=1998 Eldorado Touring Coupe 3 0
UG048.03 7/15/2003 1200sh d=2002 Escalade 3 0
UG049.03 7/15/2003 1200sh d=1983 Seville Elegante 3 0
UG050.03 7/15/2003 3500sh d=Eldorado 3
UG051.03 7/15/2003 1400sh issue=Corvette 50th d=1970 Corvette 4
UG052.03 7/15/2003 1400sh d=1972 Corvette 4 0
UG053.03 7/15/2003 1400sh d=1982 Collector Edition Corvette 4 0
UG054.03 7/15/2003 1400sh d=1977 Corvette 4 0
UG055.03 7/15/2003 3500sh d=1982 Collector Edition Corvette 4
UG056.03 10/16/2003 400sh dt=cultural dances & dresses d=Entogoro Dance
UG057.03 10/16/2003 800sh d=Karimojong Dancers
UG058.03 10/16/2003 1200sh d=Kiga Dress
UG059.03 10/16/2003 1200sh d=Acholi Dress 0
UG060.03 10/16/2003 1200sh d=Karimojong Dress 0
UG061.03 10/16/2003 1200sh d=Ganda Dress 0
UG062.03 10/16/2003 1400sh d=A Dance from Teso
UG063.03 10/24/2003 1200sh issue=United Nations.. 1 - Eradicate Extreme Poverty & Hunger 1
UG064.03 10/24/2003 1400sh d=Goal 2 - Achieve Universal Primary Education 1
UG065.03 10/24/2003 400sh d=Goal 3 - Promote Gender Equity & Empower Women 1
UG066.03 10/24/2003 1000sh d=Goal 4 - Reduce Child Mortality 1
UG067.03 10/24/2003 400sh d=Goal 5 - Improve Maternal Health 1
UG068.03 10/24/2003 1200sh d=Goal 6 - Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria & other diseases 1
UG069.03 10/24/2003 600sh d=Goal 7 - Ensure Environmental sustainability 1
UG070.03 10/24/2003 2000sh d=Goal 8 - Develop a Global Partnership for Development 1
UG071.03 11/10/2003 300sh issue=Christmas 2003 1
UG072.03 11/10/2003 400sh 1
UG073.03 11/10/2003 1200sh 1
UG074.03 11/10/2003 1400sh 1
UG075.03 11/10/2003 3000sh 1
UG001.04 8/31/2004 400sh issue=food assurance conference 1
UG002.04 8/31/2004 1400sh 1
UG003.04 9/22/2004 400sh issue=Rotary 100th 3
UG004.04 9/22/2004 1200sh 3
UG005.04 9/22/2004 400sh issue=Straight Talk Foundation 10th 1
UG006.04 9/22/2004 1200sh 1
UG007.04 9/22/2004 400sh issue=campaign against child labor 2
UG008.04 9/22/2004 2000sh 2
UG001.05 4/4/2005 1200sh issue=Year of the Rooster 2005 1
UG002.05 4/4/2005 1200sh 1 0
UG003.05 4/4/2005 1200sh 1 0
UG004.05 4/4/2005 1200sh 1 0
UG005.05 4/4/2005 5000sh 1
UG006.05 5/31/2005 400sh issue=National Tubercu..s & Leprosy Programme d=Stop TB and HIV 1
UG007.05 5/31/2005 400sh 1 0
UG008.05 5/31/2005 400sh d=For a leprosy free world 1 0
UG009.05 5/31/2005 400sh 1 0
UG010.05 5/31/2005 400sh d=Stop TB 1 0
UG011.05 5/31/2005 400sh d=Stop TB and HIV 1 0
UG012.05 6/22/2005 100sh issue=2005 dt=flowering plants of Uganda d=Clerodendrum sp. 1
UG013.05 6/22/2005 400sh d=Calliandra haematocephala 1
UG014.05 6/22/2005 600sh d=Asteraceae Compositae 1
UG015.05 6/22/2005 850sh d=Angraecum sp. 1
UG016.05 6/22/2005 900sh d=Delonix regia (2005) 1
UG017.05 6/22/2005 1100sh d=Bidens grantii 1
UG018.05 6/22/2005 1200sh d=Musa sapientum 1
UG019.05 6/22/2005 1400sh d=Begonia coccinea 1
UG020.05 6/22/2005 1600sh d=Impatiens walleriana 1
UG021.05 6/22/2005 2000sh d=Strelitzia reginae (2005) 1
UG022.05 6/22/2005 5000sh d=Tecomaria capensis 1
UG023.05 6/22/2005 6000sh d=Ixora hybrida 1
UG024.05 6/22/2005 10000sh d=Datura suaveolens 1
UG025.05 6/22/2005 20000sh d=Cucurbita pepo 1
UG026.05 10/6/2005 400sh dt=fishes of Lake Victoria (2005) d=Synodontis afrofischeri
UG027.05 10/6/2005 600sh d=Protopterus aethiopicus (2005 Uganda)
UG028.05 10/6/2005 1100sh d=Clarias gariepinus (2005 Uganda)
UG029.05 10/6/2005 1200sh d=Rastrineobola agentea
UG030.05 10/6/2005 1600sh d=Bagrus docmac
UG031.05 10/6/2005 2000sh d=Schilbe mystus
UG032.05 10/6/2005 1000sh d=Mormyrus kannume (2005 Uganda)
UG033.05 10/6/2005 1000sh d=Barbus jacksoni 0
UG034.05 10/6/2005 1000sh d=Bagrus docmac 0
UG035.05 10/6/2005 1000sh d=Labeo victorianus (2005 Uganda) 0
UG001.06 7/20/2006 400sh issue=Ten Years of Western Union in Africa 1
UG002.06 7/20/2006 1600sh 1
UG003.06 7/20/2006 2000sh 1
UG004.06 10/3/2006 400sh issue=40th Anniversary of Bank of Uganda 1
UG005.06 10/3/2006 600sh 1
UG006.06 10/3/2006 1600sh d=Tilapia nilotica (2006) 1
UG007.06 10/3/2006 2000sh d=mountain gorilla (2006) 1
UG001.07 2/2/2007 400sh issue=RAMSAR Convention dt=wetlands & water 1
UG002.07 2/2/2007 1600sh 1
UG003.07 2/2/2007 2000sh 1
UG004.07 11/27/2007 400sh issue=Pre-CHOGM 2007 1
UG005.07 11/27/2007 1600sh 1
UG006.07 11/27/2007 2000sh 1
UG007.07 11/27/2007 5000sh 1
UG008.07 12/7/2007 1600sh issue=Pre-UPU Congress 2008 dt=costumes of Uganda d=Karimojong 1
UG009.07 12/7/2007 1600sh d=Ebibaraho 1 0
UG010.07 12/7/2007 1600sh d=Kikoyi 1 0
UG011.07 12/7/2007 1600sh d=Omwenda 1 0
UG012.07 12/7/2007 1600sh d=Gomesi 1 0
UG013.07 12/7/2007 1600sh d=Kanzu 1 0
UG001.08 6/18/2008 1000 issue=Olympics 2008 d=javelin throw (2008) perf=12.5 1
UG002.08 6/18/2008 1000sh d=running (2008) 1
UG003.08 6/18/2008 1000sh d=boxing (2008) 1 0
UG004.08 6/18/2008 1000sh d=swimming (2008) 1 0
UG005.08 6/18/2008 1000sh issue=WWF 2008 dt=spotted hyena 2
UG006.08 6/18/2008 1000sh 2 0
UG007.08 6/18/2008 1000sh 2 0
UG008.08 6/18/2008 1000sh 2 0
UG009.08 9/30/2008 400sh issue=Aga Khan IV accession 50th d=Jubilee Insurance Company 1 2
UG010.08 9/30/2008 400sh d=Kampala Serena Hotel 1 3
UG011.08 9/30/2008 400sh d=Diamond Trust Building 1 1
UG012.08 9/30/2008 1100sh d=Madrasa Programme 1
UG013.08 9/30/2008 1100sh d=The Ismaili Jamatkhana Kampala 1 0
UG014.08 9/30/2008 1100sh d=Aga Khan Education Services 1 0
UG015.08 9/30/2008 1100sh d=Air Uganda 1 0
UG016.08 9/30/2008 1100sh d=Bujagalia Hydropower Project 1 0
UG001.09 4/10/2009 1600sh d=Chinese Peony Flower
UG002.09 4/10/2009 2000sh issue=Barack Obama inauguration perf=11.5 1
UG003.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG004.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG005.09 4/10/2009 1000sh issue=Sites and Scenes of China d=Longmen Grottoes, Luoyang 2
UG006.09 4/10/2009 1000sh d=Pearl River, Guangzhou 2 0
UG007.09 4/10/2009 1000sh d=Twin Temples on Fir Lake 2 0
UG008.09 4/10/2009 1000sh d=Yo Yuan Garden, Shanghai 2 0
UG009.09 4/10/2009 2000sh issue=200th Anniversary of Birth of Abraham Lincoln perf=13 3
UG010.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 3 0
UG011.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 3 0
UG012.09 4/10/2009 2000sh 3 0
UG013.09 7/7/2009 2000sh issue=Michael Jackson memorial 1
UG014.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG015.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG016.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG017.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG018.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG019.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG020.09 7/7/2009 2000sh 1 0
UG021.09 11/12/2009 4000sh issue=Chinese Aviation Centenary d=JH-7 1
UG022.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=Q-5 1
UG023.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=Q-5C 1 0
UG024.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=JH-7A 1 0
UG025.09 11/12/2009 2000sh d=JH-7 1 0
UG001.10 2/17/2010 2000sh issue=Princess Diana 2
UG002.10 2/17/2010 2000sh 2 0
UG003.10 2/17/2010 2000sh 2 0
UG004.10 2/17/2010 2000sh 2 0
UG005.10 6/24/2010 400sh issue=Pope John Paul II death 5th 1
UG006.10 6/24/2010 1600sh 1
UG007.10 6/24/2010 2000sh 1
UG008.10 6/24/2010 4000sh 1
UG001.11 1/18/2011 400sh issue=African Trypanosomiasis and the Tsetse Fly 1
UG002.11 1/18/2011 900sh 1
UG003.11 1/18/2011 1600sh 1
UG004.11 1/18/2011 3000sh 1
UG005.11 1/18/2011 400sh issue=30th Anniversary of Pan African Postal Union dt=gorillas 2
UG006.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG007.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG008.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG009.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG010.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG011.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG012.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG013.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG014.11 1/18/2011 400sh 2 0
UG015.11 1/18/2011 1000sh 2
UG016.11 1/18/2011 1000sh 2 0
UG017.11 1/18/2011 1000sh 2 0
UG018.11 1/18/2011 1000sh 2 0
UG019.11 1/18/2011 1000sh 2 0
UG020.11 1/18/2011 1600sh 2
UG021.11 1/18/2011 1600sh 2 0
UG022.11 1/18/2011 1600sh 2 0
UG023.11 1/18/2011 1600sh 2 0
UG024.11 1/18/2011 1600sh same as prev 2 0
UG025.11 2/1/2011 2000sh issue=Year of the Rabbit 2011 1
UG026.11 2/1/2011 2000sh 1 0
UG027.11 2/25/2011 400sh issue=5th Papal Anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI 1
UG028.11 2/25/2011 1600sh 1
UG029.11 2/25/2011 2000sh 1
UG030.11 2/25/2011 4000sh 1
UG031.11 2/25/2011 400sh 1
UG032.11 2/25/2011 1600sh 1
UG033.11 2/25/2011 2000sh 1
UG034.11 2/25/2011 4000sh 1
UG035.11 2/25/2011 400sh issue=World Cup 2010 dt=soccer teams d=Algeria 2
UG036.11 2/25/2011 400sh d=South Africa 2 0
UG037.11 2/25/2011 1600sh d=Ghana 2
UG038.11 2/25/2011 1600sh d=Nigeria 2 0
UG039.11 2/25/2011 3000sh d=team from Cote D'Ivoire 2
UG040.11 2/25/2011 3000sh d=Cameroon 2 0
UG041.11 2/25/2011 900sh d=Italy 2
UG042.11 2/25/2011 1100sh d=Japan 2
UG043.11 2/25/2011 4000sh d=Australia 2
UG044.11 2/25/2011 900sh d=Brazil 2
UG045.11 2/25/2011 1100sh d=New Zealand 2
UG046.11 2/25/2011 4000sh d=United States 2
UG047.11 10/14/2010 3000sh issue=Boy Scouts of America 100th perf=13 1
UG048.11 10/14/2010 3000sh 1 0
UG049.11 10/14/2010 3000sh 1 0
UG050.11 4/29/2011 2500sh issue=Royal Wedding 2011 1
UG051.11 4/29/2011 600sh 1
UG052.11 4/29/2011 2500sh 1
UG053.11 4/29/2011 600sh 1
UG001.12 3/30/2012 8300sh dt=fauna of the Afric..=Cichlid haplochromis petronius perf=13 2
UG002.12 3/30/2012 3400sh issue=Fishes of the African Great Lakes d=Haplochromis katonga 1
UG003.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Lates niloticus (2012) 1
UG004.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Haplochromis nyererei 1
UG005.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Mormyrus macrocephalus 1
UG006.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=blue monkey Cercopithecus mitis 10
UG007.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=De Brazza's monkey
UG008.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Patas Monkey
UG009.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Brown Greater Galago
UG010.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=L'Hoest's monkey
UG011.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=Gaudy Commodore Precis octavia 1
UG012.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Silver-barred butterfly Charaxes druceanus obscura
UG013.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Crossley's Forest Queen Euxanthe crossleyi ansorgei
UG014.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Green Banded Swallowtail Papilio phorcas ruscoei
UG015.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Acraea Swordtail
UG016.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=Reptiles - gaboon viper 3
UG017.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Reptiles - Graceful Chameleon
UG018.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=gaboon viper (2012)
UG019.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Reptiles - Leopard Tortoise
UG020.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Reptiles - Nile Crocodile
UG021.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=African bush elephant 9
UG022.12 3/30/2012 3400sh
UG023.12 3/30/2012 4100sh
UG024.12 3/30/2012 3400sh
UG025.12 3/30/2012 4100sh
UG026.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=Verreaux's Eagle Owl 6
UG027.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Owls - Pel's Fishing Owl
UG028.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Owls - Spotted Eagle Owl
UG029.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Owls - African Wood Owl
UG030.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Cape Eagle Owl
UG031.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=leopard (2012) 8
UG032.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=cheetah chasing Thomson's gazelle
UG033.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=leopard (2012)
UG034.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=lion (2012)
UG035.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=caracal (2012)
UG036.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=grey-headed kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala (2012) 4
UG037.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Kingfishers - Pied Kingfisher
UG038.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Kingfishers - Malachite Kingfisher
UG039.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Kingfishers - Pied Kingfisher
UG040.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Kingfishers - Malachite Kingfisher
UG041.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=Black-Crowned Crane 7
UG042.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Beaudouin's snake eagle Circaetus beaudouini
UG043.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=cheetah (2012)
UG044.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=African golden cat (2012)
UG045.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Checkered Elephant Shrew
UG046.12 3/30/2012 8300sh d=Birds of Prey - western marsh harrier 5
UG047.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Tawny Eagle Aquila rapax (2012)
UG048.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Birds of Prey - osprey
UG049.12 3/30/2012 3400sh d=Birds of Prey - The bateleur
UG050.12 3/30/2012 4100sh d=Ruppell's Vulture
UG051.12 3/29/2012 700sh issue=Discovery of HIV/AIDS 30th d=Philly Bongole Lutaaya 1
UG052.12 3/29/2012 1500sh d=nurse with couple at clinic 1
UG053.12 3/29/2012 1800sh d=medical researchers in lab 1
UG054.12 3/29/2012 1900sh 1
UG055.12 3/29/2012 2700sh 1
UG056.12 3/29/2012 3400sh 1
UG057.12 7/26/2012 8300sh issue=Whitney Houston memorial perf=13 1
UG058.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 1
UG059.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 1 0
UG060.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 1
UG061.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 1 0
UG062.12 7/26/2012 8300sh issue=Peter Paul Rubens 2
UG063.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 2
UG064.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 2 0
UG065.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 2
UG066.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 2 0
UG067.12 7/26/2012 8300sh issue=Elvis Presley death 35th 3
UG068.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 3
UG069.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 3 0
UG070.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 3
UG071.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 3 0
UG072.12 7/26/2012 8300sh issue=First Man in Space 50th 4
UG073.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 4
UG074.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 4 0
UG075.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 4
UG076.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 4 0
UG077.12 7/26/2012 8300sh issue=15th Anniversar..een Deep blue and Gary Kasparov in 1997 5
UG078.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 5
UG079.12 7/26/2012 3400sh 5 0
UG080.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 5
UG081.12 7/26/2012 4100sh 5 0
UG082.12 8/3/2012 1500sh issue=Olympics 2012 1
UG083.12 8/3/2012 1050sh 1
UG084.12 8/3/2012 1050sh 1 0
UG085.12 8/3/2012 1050sh 1 0
UG001.13 11/25/2013 7500sh issue=World in Stamp..Butterflies - R.P. Kampuchea perf=13.75 1
UG002.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Butterflies - R.P. Vietnam 1 9
UG003.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Butterflies Postes Lao 1 10
UG004.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Butterflies Magyar Posta 1 11
UG005.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Butterflies Nicaragua 1 12
UG006.13 11/25/2013 7500sh d=Cats Polska 1
UG007.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Cats Azerbaijan 1 29
UG008.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Cats Ceska Republika 1 30
UG009.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=cats 1 31
UG010.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Cats - France 1 32
UG011.13 11/25/2013 7500sh d=Dinosaurs - Republique du Mali 1
UG012.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Dinosaurs - Tanzania 1 13
UG013.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Dinosaurs - Australia 1 14
UG014.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Dinosaurs - Marshall Islands 1 15
UG015.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Dinosaurs - New Zealand 1 16
UG016.13 11/25/2013 7500sh d=Minerals - DPR Korea 1
UG017.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Minerals - Azerbaijan 1 1
UG018.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Minerals - Togo 1 2
UG019.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Minerals - Cambodge 1 3
UG020.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Minerals - FSAT 1 4
UG021.13 11/25/2013 7500sh d=Orchids - Rep. of Guinea 1
UG022.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Orchids - Cuba 1 5
UG023.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Orchids - Royaume du Cambodge 1 6
UG024.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Orchids - British Virgin Islands 1 7
UG025.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Orchids - Liechtenstein 1 8
UG026.13 11/25/2013 7500sh d=Owls - Cuba 1
UG027.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Owls - Magyar Posta 1 21
UG028.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Owls - Republique Francaise 1 22
UG029.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Owls - Republlic of China (Taiwan) 1 23
UG030.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Owls - Zimbabwe 1 24
UG031.13 11/25/2013 7500sh d=Turtles - Vietnam 1
UG032.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=loggerhead turtle (2013) 1 17
UG033.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Turtles - Republique du Benin 1 18
UG034.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Turtles - Tanzania 1 19
UG035.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=Turtles - Vietnam 1 20
UG036.13 11/25/2013 7500sh d=World Wildlife - Vietnam WWF 1
UG037.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=World Wildlife - Empire Centrafricain WWF 1 25
UG038.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=World Wildlife - Algerie WWF 1 26
UG039.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=World Wildlife - Aruba WWF 1 27
UG040.13 11/25/2013 2500sh d=World Wildlife - Republik Indonesia WWF 1 28
UG041.13 12/31/2013 500sh issue=Mao Tse-Tung 120th perf=14 1
UG042.13 12/31/2013 500sh 1 0
UG043.13 12/31/2013 500sh 1 0
UG044.13 12/31/2013 500sh 1 0
UG045.13 12/31/2013 500sh 1 0
UG046.13 12/31/2013 500sh 1 0
UG047.13 12/31/2013 8800sh issue=birth of Prince George of Cambridge 2
UG048.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 2
UG049.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 2 0
UG050.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 2 0
UG051.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 2 0
UG052.13 12/31/2013 8800sh issue=Nelson Mandela Nobel Peace Prize 1993 3
UG053.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 3
UG054.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 3 0
UG055.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 3 0
UG056.13 12/31/2013 3000sh 3 0
UG057.13 12/31/2013 3000sh issue=Animals of Brazil 2013 d=tufted capuchin 4
UG058.13 12/31/2013 3000sh d=tayra, Eira barbara 4 0
UG059.13 12/31/2013 3000sh d=Brazilian Tapir 4 0
UG060.13 12/31/2013 3000sh d=jaguar (2013) 4 0
UG001.14 4/1/2014 8800sh issue=Pope Francis 3
UG002.14 4/1/2014 3000sh 3
UG003.14 4/1/2014 3000sh 3 0
UG004.14 4/1/2014 3000sh 3 0
UG005.14 4/1/2014 3000sh 3 0
UG006.14 4/1/2014 8800sh issue=Flora and Fauna d=Cats - calico cat 2
UG007.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=bobcat (2014) 2
UG008.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Caracal Cat 2 0
UG009.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Turkish Van (2014) 2 0
UG010.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Gray Tabby Cat 2 0
UG011.14 4/1/2014 8800sh d=Damaliscus korrigum (2014) 2
UG012.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Animals of Africa - aardvark 2
UG013.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Animals of Africa - okapi 2 0
UG014.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Debrazza's Monkey 2 0
UG015.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=African wild dog (2014) 2 0
UG016.14 4/1/2014 8800sh d=Cape cobra Naja nivea 2
UG017.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Red-headed Rock Agama 2
UG018.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Nile crocodile (2014) 2 0
UG019.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=African spurred tortoise 2 0
UG020.14 4/1/2014 3000sh d=Eastern Green Mamba 2 0
UG021.14 4/1/2014 1300sh issue=Year of the Horse 2014 1
UG022.14 4/1/2014 1300sh 1 0
UG023.14 4/1/2014 8800sh 1
UG024.14 4/1/2014 2250sh 1
UG025.14 4/1/2014 2250sh 1 0
UG026.14 4/1/2014 2250sh 1 0
UG027.14 4/1/2014 2250sh 1 0
UG028.14 4/1/2014 2250sh 1 0
UG029.14 4/1/2014 2250sh 1 0
UG030.14 12/1/2014 3200sh issue=Philakorea 2014 d=Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (2014) perf=13 1 1
UG031.14 12/1/2014 3200sh 1 2
UG032.14 12/1/2014 3200sh d=Hibiscus arnottianus 1 3
UG033.14 12/1/2014 3200sh d=Hibiscus clayi 1 4
UG034.14 12/1/2014 3200sh d=Hibiscus kokio 1 5
UG035.14 12/1/2014 3200sh d=Hibiscus splendens (2014) 1 6
UG036.14 12/1/2014 10000sh d=Hibiscus mutabilis (2014) 1
UG001.15 11/27/2015 700sh issue=50th Anniversar..ganda Martyrs 2014 d=The Uganda Martyrs 1
UG002.15 11/27/2015 900sh d=Uganda Martyrs' Day Celebrations 2012 1
UG003.15 11/27/2015 1000sh d=Uganda Martyrs' Basilica - Namugongo 1
UG004.15 11/27/2015 1800sh d=Uganda Martyrs' Celebration 2010 1
UG005.15 11/27/2015 2000sh d=St Achilles Kiwanuka 1
UG006.15 11/27/2015 2700sh d=St Kizito 1
UG007.15 11/27/2015 3200sh d=Kasubi Nabulagala 1881 1
UG008.15 11/27/2015 3400sh d=The Uganda Martyrs 1
UG009.15 11/27/2015 10000sh d=Relics of The Uganda Martyrs perf=13 1
UG010.15 11/27/2015 10000sh d=The Uganda Martyrs Shrine Namugongo 2014 1 0
UG011.15 11/27/2015 500sh issue=Pope Francis' Visit to Uganda 2
UG012.15 11/27/2015 700sh 2
UG013.15 11/27/2015 1000sh 2
UG014.15 11/27/2015 1100sh 2
UG015.15 11/27/2015 1800sh 2
UG016.15 11/27/2015 1900sh 2
UG017.15 11/27/2015 2700sh 2
UG018.15 11/27/2015 3400sh 2
UG019.15 11/27/2015 10000sh perf=13 2
UG020.15 11/27/2015 10000sh 2 0
UG001.17 5/5/2017 100sh issue=Primates of Uganda d=bush baby (2017) 1
UG002.17 5/5/2017 500sh d=chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) 1
UG003.17 5/5/2017 700sh d=Black & White Colobus Colobus guereza 1
UG004.17 5/5/2017 800sh d=olive baboon (Papio anubis) 1
UG005.17 5/5/2017 900sh d=De Brazza's monkey (Cercopithecus neglectus) 1
UG006.17 5/5/2017 1000sh d=L'Hoest's monkey (Cercopithecus lhoesti) 1
UG007.17 5/5/2017 1100sh d=mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) 1
UG008.17 5/5/2017 1800sh d=Vervet monkey (Chlorocebus pygerythrus) 1
UG009.17 5/5/2017 1900sh d=mountain gorilla (Gorilla beringei beringei) 1
UG010.17 5/5/2017 2000sh d=blue monkey (Cercopithecus mitis) 1
UG011.17 5/5/2017 2700sh d=olive baboon (Papio anubis) 1
UG012.17 5/5/2017 3000sh d=golden monkey Cercopithecus kandti 1
UG013.17 5/5/2017 3400sh d=chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) 1
UG001.19 xlink Colnect 841548-20th_Anniversary_of_the_.._Uganda_Communication_Commission-Uganda
UG002.19 xlink Colnect 841549-20th_Anniversary_of_the_.._Uganda_Communication_Commission-Uganda
UG003.19 xlink Colnect 841551-20th_Anniversary_of_the_.._Uganda_Communication_Commission-Uganda
UG004.19 xlink Colnect 841550-20th_Anniversary_of_the_.._Uganda_Communication_Commission-Uganda
UG005.19 xlink Colnect 886741-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda
UG006.19 xlink Colnect 886742-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda
UG007.19 xlink Colnect 886743-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda
UG008.19 xlink Colnect 886744-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda
UG009.19 xlink Colnect 886746-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda
UG010.19 xlink Colnect 886747-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda
UG011.19 xlink Colnect 886748-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda
UG012.19 xlink Colnect 886749-Inauguration_of_Isimba_H.._of_Isimba_Hydropower_Plant_2019-Uganda

Prefixes: 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19
Suffixes: .15