Stamps with this color combination:
Description: red violet & black
Abbrev: redvio&blk
Used by 73 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Angola postage 1/1/1903 75r issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1/1/1898 200r issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1911 75r issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=blk on=issue=1898-75r-redvio unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1911 200r issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=blk on=issue=1898-200r-redvio unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1914 75r issue=1914a provisional d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=grn on=issue=1898-75r-redvio unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1914 200r issue=1914a provisional d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=grn on=issue=1898-200r unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1919 1/2c issue=1919 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=value oc=blk on=1911-75r unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1919 1/2c issue=1919 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=value oc=blk on=issue=1914a provisional-75r unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 1921 1/2c issue=1921 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=$00,5 oc=blk on=issue=1914a provisional-75r unwmk perf=11.5
Angola postage 7/26/1938 50c issue=Empire d=Mousinho de Albuquerque unwmk perf=13.5x13
Ascension postage 7/2/1934 2sh6p issue=1934 d=map of Ascension & King George V wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Austria postage 11/1905 30h issue=1905 d=Franz Josef (1904 black numerals) unwmk perf=9-12.5
Basutoland postage 6/3/1953 2p issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Cameroons postage 10/1/1960 1sh issue=1960 d=timber ovpt=CAMEROONS//U.K.T.T. oc=red on=issuer=Nigeria-1953-1sh-timber wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Cameroun postage 1925 60c issue=1925 d=tapping rubber tree unwmk
Cape Verde postage 1898 200r issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) unwmk perf=11.5
Cape Verde postage 8/20/1911 200r issue=1911 provisional d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=red on=200r-redvio unwmk perf=11.5
Cape Verde postage 1938 50c issue=Empire d=Mousinho de Albuquerque unwmk perf=13.5x13
Cape Verde postage due 1921 10c issue=1921 due d=numeral (1904 colonial due) unwmk
Christmas Island postage 10/15/1958 5c d=Queen Elizabeth II (1958 Christmas Island) unwmk perf=14.5
Costa Rica airmail 1/26/1948 75c issue=50th Anniversary of National Theatre unwmk
Costa Rica airmail 9/1/1954 35c issue=1954 air dt=national industries unwmk
Costa Rica postage due 9/1/1903 50c issue=1903 due d=numeral (1903) unwmk perf=14
Danzig postage 9/22/1924 2g issue=landscapes d=Brama Żuraw wmk=webbing
Dominica postage 1908 2sh issue=1907 d=view of Roseau wmk=mult crown & CA perf=14
Dominica postage 2/1923 6p issue=1923 d=seal of Dominica & King George V wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Dominica postage 8/15/1938 2sh issue=George VI pictorial d=Layou River & King George VI (1938) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=14
Dominican Republic postage 8/17/1906 10c issue=1901 d=arms of the Dominican Republic (1901) unwmk perf=14
Dominican Republic postage 1910 10c issue=1907 d=arms of the Dominican Republic (1901) wmk=crosses & circles perf=14
Dominican Republic postage 1911 10c issue=arms 1911 d=arms of the Dominican Republic (1911) wmk=crosses & circles perf=14
Ecuador airmail 1/13/1954 60c issue=archbishop elevation 1st unwmk
Finland postage 12/18/1917 5m issue=1917 d=arms of Finland (1917) unwmk perf=14.25x14
Finland postage 6/12/1925 5m issue=1925 d=arms of Finland (1917) wmk=mult swastika
Finland postage 3/8/1928 5m issue=1927 d=arms of Finland (1917) wmk=posthorn
France postage 4/20/1974 0.50fr issue=Europa 1974 d=CEPT- The Age of Bronze by Rodin unwmk perf=13
Grenada postage 1/8/1951 12c issue=1951 d=King George VI (1951 Grenada) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=15clean
Grenada postage 9/21/1951 12c d=King George VI (1951 Grenada) ovpt=NEW CONSTITUTION//1951 oc=blk on=issue=1951-12c wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=15clean
Guatemala airmail 2/25/1950 8c issue=6th Central American and Caribbean Games unwmk
Hungary postage 1900 35f issue=1900 d=turul & crown wmk=crown in oval perf=12x11.5
Ivory Coast postage 1926 85c issue=1913 d=river scene unwmk
Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania postage 1921 50c issue=1921 d=King George V (1912 laurel & oak a) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Malaya, Federated States postage 1900 10c issue=1900c d=tiger (1900) wmk=crown & CA perf=14
Johore postage 9/1904 3c d=Sultan Ibrahim of Johor (1904) wmk=rosette
Johore postage 6/2/1953 10c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Kelantan postage 6/2/1953 10c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953) wmk=mult crown & script CA
Malacca postage 6/2/1953 10c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953)
Negri Sembilan postage 6/2/1953 10c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953)
Pahang postage 6/2/1953 10c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953)
Penang postage 6/2/1953 10c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953)
Perak postage 6/2/1953 10c issue=Coronation 1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1953)
(plus 23 more) See all uses as list