Stamps with this color only:
In combination with other colors:
Description: green gray
Abbrev: grngray
Red: 0.50 (127)
Green: 0.70 (178)
Blue: 0.50 (127) |
Used by 79 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Afghanistan airmail 3/21/1951 10a issue=1951 air d=plane over Kabul palace unwmk
Argentina postage 4/1/1957 4.40p d=Roque Saenz Pena unwmk
Argentina airmail 6/20/1951 20c issue=10 Years State Airlines unwmk
Argentina airmail 8/31/1957 60c issue=railroad 100th unwmk
Argentina official 1957 4.40p issue=1957 official unwmk
Queensland postage 1872 1sh d=Queen Victoria (1860 Queensland) wmk=Queensland & star perf=13 paper=white wove
Austria postage 3/1/1932 20g issue=1932 dt=scenery smaller d=Durnstein unwmk perf=12
Austria postage 1960 5.50s issue=buildings d=Churer Gate Feldkirch Vorarlberg unwmk
Austria postage 11/6/1962 30g issue=1962 d=Vienna City Hall unwmk
Austria postage 10/9/1962 1s dt=forests (1962) d=Alluvial forest unwmk perf=14
Austria newspaper 1920 3kr issue=1920 newspaper d=Mercury (1920 Austria) unwmk
Austria newspaper 1921 45h issue=1921 newspaper d=Mercury (1921) unwmk
Belgium postage 12/10/1952 1.50fr issue=z1952 d=King Baudouin (1952 a) unwmk perf=11.5
Bolivia airmail 1/30/1960 2000b issue=Mateos visit
Brazil postage 4/18/1964 30cr issue=100th Anniversary of the Spiritual Code, "O Evangelho" d=Allan Kardec wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=11.5x10.75
Brazil postage 5/24/1966 30cr issue=Battle of Tuiuti 100th wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm) perf=10.75x11.5
Newfoundland postage 1931 5c issue=Labrador claims reengr 1931 wmk=arms (Newfoundland)
Colombia postage 11/29/1988 40p issue=Nature Conservation 1988 d=Trichechus manatus (1988 Colombia) wmk=rectangles perf=14x14.25
Colombia airmail 10/4/1920 50c issue=1920 air d d=Landscape with Airplane unwmk
Colombia airmail 10/4/1920 50c issue=1920 air d d=Landscape with Airplane unwmk
Colombia airmail 1921 30c issue=Girardot d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 1921 30c issue=Bogotá d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 1921 30c issue=Bogotá d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 1921 30c issue=Bogotá d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 1921 20c issue=Bogotá d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 9/19/1921 10c issue=Neiva d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 9/19/1921 10c issue=Neiva d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 9/19/1921 10c issue=Neiva d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 11/19/1921 30c issue=1921 air d d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Colombia airmail 11/19/1921 30c issue=1921 air d d=MI 5 Overprinted unwmk
Cuba airmail 5/5/1936 50c issue=Matanzas wmk=star (Cuba)
Cuba airmail 4/27/1954 10c issue=Sugar Industry 1954 unwmk perf=10
Cuba airmail 6/26/1956 50c issue=1956 air dt=birds (1956 Cuba) d=Ardea herodias (1956) wmk=star (Cuba) perf=12.5
Cuba airmail 2/22/1957 12c issue=Baden-Powell 100th perf=12.5
Finland postage 11/1/1947 10m issue=ag societies 50th d=farmer sowing unwmk perf=14
France postage 9/5/2022 1.16€ issue=France in our Regions - The Seine Valley at Les Andelys unwmk
France postage 9/5/2022 1.16€ issue=Aviation Tourism unwmk
Gabon airmail 2/14/1969 50fr issue=Philexafrique unwmk perf=13
German Democratic Republic postage 4/23/1958 10pf issue=Planck 100th d=h (Planck constant) wmk=quatrefoil & DDR
Iceland postage 6/28/1935 1k d=Hekla unwmk perf=13
Iran postage 10/24/1973 2r issue=United Nations Day 1973 wmk=arms of Iran in circle perf=10.5
Ireland postage 8/20/1979 10p issue=1st European Parliament elections unwmk perf=14.5x15
Israel postage 2/11/2003 0.40s issue=2002 d=menorah 2002 unwmk
Aegean Islands postage 1932 10c issue=Dante Society ovpt=ISOLE ITALIANE//DELL' EGEO oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-10c-grngray-unissued
Trieste postage 6/16/1953 5l issue=1953 wmk=winged wheel
North Korea postage 11/4/1961 10ch issue=Sports Day 1961 d=basketball (1961) unwmk perf=11
Lebanon postage 8/1/1962 50p issue=Save Nubian monuments d=Isis at Kalabsha Temple unwmk perf=13
Malta postage 1926 2p issue=1926 d=King George V (1926 postage) wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=15x14
Malta postage 10/1/1928 2p issue=1928 postage and revenue d=King George V (1926 postage) ovpt=POSTAGE//AND//REVENUE oc=blk on=issue=1926-2p-grngray wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=15x14
Malta postage 10/20/1930 2p d=King George V postage & revenue wmk=mult crown & script CA perf=15x14
(plus 29 more) See all uses as list
Used by 2 stamps as paper color: (See all uses as list)
Dominican Republic postage 1868 1/2r blk issue=1867 d=arms of the Dominican Republic (1866) unwmk paper=pelure
Las Bela postage 1898 1/2a blk d=diamond in square
Used in 34 combinations:
black & blue green & green gray, black & green gray, black & green gray & light blue, brown & green gray, buff & green gray & violet, carmine & green gray, dark gray & green gray, dark green & green gray, dark violet & green gray, gray blue & green gray, green & green gray, green blue & green gray, green gray & black, green gray & black green, green gray & black olive, green gray & blue, green gray & brown, green gray & brown orange, green gray & carmine, green gray & dark brown, green gray & dark red brown, green gray & dull brown, green gray & gray, green gray & gray green, green gray & orange brown, green gray & purple, green gray & red, green gray & red brown, green gray & violet, olive green & green gray, orange & green gray, orange yellow & green gray, red & green gray, violet brown & green gray