Stamps with this color only:
In combination with other colors:
Stamps with this paper color:
Description: ocher
Abbrev: och
Red: 0.80 (204)
Green: 0.55 (140)
Blue: 0.20 (51) |
Used by 194 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Kathiri State of Seiyun postage 10/25/1966 35f issue=ITU 100th a d=Relay unwmk perf=13.5
Kathiri State of Seiyun postage 10/25/1966 5f issue=ITU 100th b d=Telstar unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1876 1sh issue=1876b och d=tiger head 1876 b unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1876 1sa issue=1876b och d=tiger head 1876 b unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1876 1ab issue=1876b och d=tiger head 1876 b unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1876 1/2rup issue=1876b och d=tiger head 1876 b unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1876 1rup issue=1876b och d=tiger head 1876 b unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1877 1sh issue=1877 och d=tiger head 1877 unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1877 1sa issue=1877 och d=tiger head 1877 unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1877 1ab issue=1877 och d=tiger head 1877 unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1877 1/2rup issue=1877 och d=tiger head 1877 unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1877 1rup issue=1877 och d=tiger head 1877 unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1878 1sh issue=1878 ocher d=tiger head 1878 a unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1878 1sa issue=1878 ocher d=tiger head 1878 a unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1878 1ab issue=1878 ocher d=tiger head 1878 a unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1878 1/2rup issue=1878 ocher d=tiger head 1878 a unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1878 1rup issue=1878 ocher d=tiger head 1878 a unwmk imperf
Afghanistan postage 1878 1sh issue=1878b d=tiger head 1878 b unwmk imperf
Afghanistan official 1939 30p issue=1939 official unwmk
Albania postage 6/16/1913 5pa issue=1913c d=tughra (1909) oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-issue=1909a-5pa unwmk perf=12
Albania postage 6/16/1913 5pa issue=1913d unwmk
Argentina postage 1950 1c issue=1942 d=Domingo Faustino Sarmiento 1811-1888 President Writer wmk=RA in sun straight rays perf=13.25x13
Tasmania postage 12/1899 4d issue=1899 d=Russell Falls wmk=mult TAS perf=14
Western Australia postage 1882 1p issue=1882a d=black swan (1854 rectangle) wmk=crown & CC perf=12
Western Australia postage 1882 1p issue=1882b d=black swan (1854 rectangle) wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Western Australia postage 1883 1p d=black swan (1854 rectangle) wmk=crown & CC perf=12x14
Western Australia postage 1884 1/2d d=black swan (1854 rectangle) oc=blk on=1882-1p-perf=12 wmk=crown & CC perf=12
Western Australia postage 1884 1/2d d=black swan (1854 rectangle) oc=blk on=1882-1p-perf=14 wmk=crown & CC perf=14
Austria postage 3kr d=arms of Austria (1916 b) unissued
Austria airmail 3/30/1918 2.50kr issue=1918 air d=arms of Austria (1916 b) ovpt=FLUGPOST//2.50 K 2.50 oc=blk on=3kr-och-unissued
Austria newspaper 1920 9h issue=1920 newspaper d=Mercury (1920 Austria) unwmk
Azores postage 1930 50c issue=Ceres d=Ceres (1926 no imprint) ovpt=ACORES oc=blk on=issuer=Portugal-50c-och unwmk
Belgian Congo postage 5/23/1942 2fr issue=1942 Belge d=leopard (1942) unwmk perf=12.5
Belgian Congo postage 5/23/1942 2fr issue=1942 Belgisch d=leopard (1942) unwmk perf=12.5
Belgium postage 1972 30fr issue=1970a d=King Baudouin (1970) unwmk perf=11.5
Belgium parcel post 1920 0.40fr issue=1920 parcel a unwmk perf=14
Bosnia & Herzegovina postage 1918 70h issue=1918 d=Emperor Karl I (1918) unwmk
Brazil postage 1898 100r issue=1898a d=n1 ovpt=type a oc=vio on=type=newspaper-1889-50r-och unwmk perf=rouletted
Brazil postage 1898 100r issue=1898a d=n1 ovpt=type c oc=vio on=type=newspaper-1889-50r-och unwmk perf=rouletted
Brazil postage 7/11/1936 700r issue=Gomes 100th wmk=coat of arms in sheet
Brazil newspaper 5/1/1889 50r issue=1889 newspaper b d=n1 unwmk perf=rouletted
Bulgaria postage 7/3/1909 10s issue=1909 unwmk
Bulgaria postage 11/1953 80s issue=Medicinal Plants 1953 dt=medicinal plants (1953) d=Primula offic. unwmk
Bulgaria postage 4/1/1965 13s dt=agricultural products (1965) d=tobacco (1965) unwmk perf=12.75x13.5
Cambodia postage due 2/18/1974 2r issue=1974 due d=Frieze at Angkor Wat unwmk
Canada postage 12/1/1932 4c issue=medallion d=George V Medallion unwmk perf=11
China postage 1/28/1898 1c issue=1898 dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=dragon (1898) wmk=yin-yang
China postage 1900 1c issue=1900 dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=dragon (1898) unwmk
China postage 1912 1c issue=1912a dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=dragon (1898) ovpt=type1 oc=red on=issue=1900-1c-och unwmk
China postage 1912 1c issue=1912b dt=Chinese Imperial Post d=dragon (1898) ovpt=type2 legs oc=blk on=issue=1900-1c unwmk
(plus 144 more) See all uses as list
Used by 1 stamp as paper color: (See all uses as list)
Baden postage 5/1/1851 1kr blk d=numeral (1851 Baden) unwmk imperf
Used in 104 combinations:
Prussian blue & ocher, black & blue & ocher, black & dark blue & ocher, black & ocher, blue & ocher, blue & ocher & black, blue black & ocher, blue green & ocher, blue violet & ocher, bright blue & ocher, bright yellow green & ocher, brown & ocher, brown carmine & ocher, brown violet & ocher, carmine & ultramarine & ocher, carmine brown & ocher, dark blue & ocher, dark brown & ocher, dark carmine brown & ocher, dark gray & ocher, dark green & ocher, dark green blue & ocher, dark olive & ocher, dark purple & ocher, dark ultramarine & ocher, dark yellow green & ocher, deep green & ocher, emerald & ocher, gray & ocher, gray black & ocher, gray blue & ocher, gray green & ocher, green & blue & ocher, green & brown & ocher, green & ocher, green blue & indigo & ocher, light blue & ocher, light green & ocher, light olive green & ocher, light violet & ocher, lilac & ocher, lilac rose & ocher, ocher (DUPLICATE 1499 vs 1499), ocher & black, ocher & black & blue green, ocher & black & brown, ocher & black brown, ocher & blue, ocher & blue green, ocher & blue violet, ocher & brown, ocher & brown & green, ocher & brown carmine, ocher & carmine brown, ocher & carmine rose, ocher & dark blue, ocher & dark brown, ocher & dark gray green, ocher & dark red brown, ocher & dark violet, ocher & deep brown, ocher & emerald, ocher & gray, ocher & gray & dark blue, ocher & gray black, ocher & gray blue, ocher & gray green, ocher & green, ocher & green blue, ocher & indigo, ocher & lilac, ocher & maroon, ocher & multicolored, ocher & olive black, ocher & olive green, ocher & pale ocher, ocher & purple brown, ocher & red, ocher & red brown, ocher & rose lil, ocher & sepia, ocher & slate grn & dark red, ocher & ultramarine, ocher & violet, ocher & violet blue, ocher & yellow, orange brown & ocher, orange red & ocher, purple & ocher, red & ocher, red & ocher & plum, red brown & blue & ocher, red brown & ocher, red lilac & ocher, red orange & ocher & black, rose cl & ocher, rose violet & ocher, slate grn & ocher, ultramarine & ocher, ultramarine & red & ocher, violet & ocher, violet blue & ocher, violet brown & ocher, yellow brown & ocher