Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
crimson & black
Stamps with this color only:
In combination with other colors:
Description: crimson
Abbrev: crim
Red: 0.90
Green: 0.10
Blue: 0.10
Used by 84 stamps:
(See all uses as list)
Albania postage 8/1939 15q issue=1939b d=Victor Emmanuel III (1939) unwmk perf=14x14.25
Albania postage 1943 15q issue=independence again d=Victor Emmanuel III (1939) ovpt=14//Shtator//1943 oc=blk on=issue=1939b-15q unwmk perf=14x14.25
Albania postage 1/4/1945 60q issue=1945a d=Victor Emmanuel III (1939) ovpt=QEVERIJA//... oc=blk on=issue=1939b-15q unwmk perf=14x14.25
Algeria postage 8/11/1952 15fr issue=19th International Geological Congress d=nautilus fossil unwmk
Australia postage 7/15/1959 3sh issue=1959 d=waratah (1959) unwmk perf=14.5
Bahrain postage 1955 5r d=Caernarvon Castle & Queen Elizabeth II ovpt=BAHRAIN oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1955-5sh wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R perf=11x11.75
Bolivia airmail 10/24/1950 3.60b issue=UN 5th d=United Nations emblem unwmk
Brazil postage 9/27/1959 20cr issue=1954 dt=portraits (1959) d=Bonifacio wmk=CORREIO*BRASIL*(5mm)
Bulgaria postage 1940 2l issue=1940a d=Tsar Boris III (1940) unwmk
Bulgaria postage 10/3/1941 2l issue=Macedonia annexation d=map of Macedonia & Tsar unwmk perf=13
Bulgaria airmail 1/15/1940 2l issue=1940 air d=plane over Tsar Assen's Tower unwmk perf=13
Japanese occupation of Burma postage 9/22/1942 1/2a d=General Nogi oc=blk on=issuer=Japan-issue=1937b-2s-perf=13 wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13
Japanese occupation of Burma postage 10/15/1942 2c issue=1942 d=General Nogi oc=blk on=9/22/1942-1/2a wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13
Cameroun airmail 1946 20fr issue=1946 air dt=airplanes (1946) d=flying boat landing unwmk
Newfoundland postage 12/1894 6c d=Queen Victoria (1870 Newfoundland) unwmk perf=12
Cuba postage 11/18/1936 2c issue=Maximo Gomez 100th d=Maximo Gomez Monument wmk=wavy lines (Colombia) perf=12.5
Cyrenaica postage 10/14/1929 75c+15c issue=Monte Cassino d=Monte Cassino Abbey ovpt=Cirenaica oc=blk on=issuer=Italy-issue=Monte Cassino 1400th-75c+15c wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Egypt postage 3/21/1957 10m issue=Mothers Day 1957 wmk=crown & Arabic F mult perf=13.5
Egypt postage 4/1958 1m issue=1958b d=farmers wife (1958) wmk=eagle & Misr perf=14
Estonia postage 9/24/1928 12s issue=1928 d=arms of Estonia (1928) perf=14
Finland postage 1/1/1930 1.20m issue=1930 d=arms of Finland (1930) unwmk perf=14
France postage 1940 1fr issue=Iris d=Iris goddess (1939) unwmk perf=14x13.5
French Morocco postage 1947 6fr issue=1947 d=Marrakech unwmk
French Morocco postage 1951 5fr d=Marrakech oc=blk on=1947-6fr-crim unwmk
Germany postage 4/26/1935 12pf d=hand holding wreath & swastika wmk=swastikas perf=14
Baden district postage 1947 24pf issue=1947 d=Rastatt Castle (1947) unwmk perf=14
Baden district postage 1948 12pf issue=1948 d=Hebel (1947) unwmk
Rhine Palatinate postage 1947 24pf issue=1947 d=Worms Cathedral unwmk perf=14
Württemberg district postage 1947 24pf issue=1947 d=Bebenhausen Abbey unwmk perf=14
Württemberg district postage 1948 12pf issue=1948 d=F. von Schiller unwmk perf=14
Great Britain postage 1936 1p d=Edward VIII (1936) wmk=crown & E8R perf=15x14
Great Britain postage 9/23/1955 5sh issue=1955 high values d=Caernarvon Castle & Queen Elizabeth II wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R perf=11x11.75
British offices in Morocco, British currency postage 1936 1p issue=Edward VIII d=Edward VIII (1936) ovpt=MOROCCO//AGENCIES oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1936-1p-crim wmk=crown & E8R perf=15x14
British offices in Morocco, Spanish currency postage 1936 10c issue=1936 d=Edward VIII (1936) ovpt=Morocco//Agencies oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1936-1p-crim wmk=crown & E8R perf=15x14
British offices in Tangier postage 1936 1p issue=Edward VIII d=Edward VIII (1936) ovpt=TANGIER oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1936-1p-crim wmk=crown & E8R perf=15x14
British offices in Tangier postage 9/23/1955 5sh d=Caernarvon Castle & Queen Elizabeth II ovpt=TANGIER oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1955-5sh wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R perf=11x11.75
British offices in Tangier postage 4/1/1957 5sh issue=PO 100th d=Caernarvon Castle & Queen Elizabeth II ovpt=1857-1957//TANGIER oc=blk on=issuer=Great Britain-1955-5sh wmk=St Edwards crown & E2R perf=11x11.75
Haiti postage 1/1/1954 10c issue=independence 150th d=Dessalines - Magloire unwmk
Hungary postage 9/24/1938 20f issue=Debrecen University 400th d=view of college 1800s wmk=double cross on pyramid
Iceland postage 4/30/1939 20a issue=New York World's Fair d=trylon & perisphere (1939 Iceland) unwmk perf=14
Iceland postage 5/11/1940 20a issue=1940 d=trylon & perisphere (1939 Iceland) ovpt=1940 oc=blk on=issue=New York World's Fair-20a unwmk perf=14
India postage 10/1/1952 1a issue=saints & poets d=Tulsidas wmk=mult stars
Iran postage 1958 25d issue=1958 d=Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1958) wmk=arms of Iran perf=11
Italian East Africa postage 2/7/1938 20c issue=1938 wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italian East Africa postage 4/25/1938 75c issue=Augustus 2000th wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Italy postage 8/1/1929 75c+15c issue=Monte Cassino 1400th d=Monte Cassino Abbey wmk=crown (Italy) perf=14
Japan postage 1937 6s issue=1937a d=Nikko Mausoleum wmk=curved wavy lines
Japan postage 1937 2s issue=1937b d=General Nogi wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13
Japan postage 1938 2s issue=1937b d=General Nogi wmk=curved wavy lines perf=13h
Japan postage 11/15/1939 10s issue=Red Cross 75th d=globe wmk=curved wavy lines perf=12.5
(plus 34 more)
See all uses as list
Used in 4 combinations:
black & crimson & blue
(DUPLICATE 827 vs 827),
crimson & black
crimson & brown