Stamp data values used by Ukraine for `dt'

This page lists the different values recorded for each field of a stamp type. You can click on column headings to sort by value or frequency of use.

issuer | function | year | month | day | issue | denom | currency | denom2 | ndenom | ndenom2 | base year | base month | base day | color | dt | design | variant | watermark | perf | overprint | ovpt color | on-desc-id | on-issuer | on-id | wmkorient | inscription | imprint | paper | paper color | print | plate | tagging | gum | emboss | shape | width | height | quantity | census | unissued | cat val | issue sortpos | sortpos | All issuers

103 distinct values used for design type among 1760 stamp types.

Value Uses Things referenced
Ukrainian folk costumes 42
children dressed as signs of the Zodiac 12
Kyiv through artists' eyes 12
minerals of Ukraine 12 mineral, Ukraine
owls of Ukraine 12 owl, Ukraine
Traditional Costume (2001) 12
Traditional Head-dresses of Ukrainian Women 12
traditional head-dresses of Ukrainians 12
traditional wedding head-dresses of Ukrainians 12
Ukrainian peasant houses 12
flowers (2000 Ukraine) 10 flower
clocks (2008) 9 clock
locomotive engineering in Ukraine 8
Coats of arms of cities and villages of Ukraine 7
orders and medals of Ukraine 7 order (syn. of medal), medal, Ukraine
cats (2007 Ukraine) 6 cat
cats (2008) 6 cat
dogs (2007 Ukraine) 6 dog
dogs (2008 Ukraine) 6 dog
Hetman Regalia and Perso..s of Bohdan Khmelnytskyi 6
lighthouses of Ukraine (2009) 6 lighthouse, Ukraine
lighthouses of Ukraine (2010) 6 lighthouse, Ukraine
Nature Reserves of Ukraine 6
Ukrainian coins 6
Ukrainian folk tales 6
wildlife of Ukraine (1997) 6 wildlife (syn. of animal), Ukraine
amphibians of Ukraine 5 amphibian, Ukraine
animals of Shatsk National Park 5
Bread 5
butterflies (2004 Ukraine) 5 butterfly
butterflies (2005 Ukraine) 5 butterfly
Chernihiv Region 5
Kharkiv Region sights 5
mushrooms (1999 Ukraine) 5 mushroom
Ukrainian hetmans 5
Ukrainian homestead animals 5
bridges (2004 Ukraine) 4 bridge
churches (1996) 4 church
diesel locomotives 4
diesel locomotives (2008) 4 diesel locomotive
equestrian sports (2006) 4 equestrian sport
Folk Art (1997) 4
gastronomy (2005 Ukraine) 4
great white pelican 4 great white pelican
Handicrafts (2011) 4
horses of Ukraine 4 horse, Ukraine
Kyiv through artist's eyes 4
leopard snake (Elaphe situla) 4 leopard snake
locomotives (2009) 4 locomotive
locomotives (2010 Ukraine) 4 locomotive
nature of Crimea 4
nature of Ukraine 4
Official Symbols of Head of State 4
paintings in Lvov Art Gallery 4 painting
people writing letters 4
pigeons (2014) 4 pigeon
Scythian warriors 4
space explorers of Ukraine 4
Succulent plants and Cacti 4 plant
Sumy Region 4
Ukrainian locomotives 4
Water Mills of Ukraine 4 Water Mill, Ukraine
windmills of Ukraine 4 windmill, Ukraine
children's paintings (2001) 3 painting
Children's Pictures 3
churches (1997 Ukraine) 3 church
churches (2000 Ukraine) 3 church
fauna of Ukraine 3 fauna (syn. of animal), Ukraine
Personalities (1995) 3
shipbuilding in Ukraine 3
State Rewards of Ukraine 3
treasures of Ukrainian museums 3
Ukrainian Animated Cartoons 3
aircraft AN 2 aircraft
aircraft AN (1998) 2 aircraft
Ancient ships on river Dnepr 2
Cars of Ukraine 2
cathedrals (1998) 2 cathedral
church bells 2
circus (2002) 2
Cossack rebel leaders 2
Creations of T. Pata 2
famous women (1997) 2 women (syn. of woman)
flowers (1996 Ukraine) 2 flower
flowers (2002 Ukraine) 2 flower
Folk Art (1999) 2
Hetmans of Ukraine 2
leaders of Cossack rebellions 2
marine life of the Black Sea 2 marine life
opera houses of Ukraine 2
Poets (2001) 2
Poster Art (2003 Ukraine) 2
protected animals (1997) 2 animal
sailing ships (2000 Ukraine) 2 sailing ship
sailing ships (2001 Ukraine) 2 sailing ship
ships (1997 Ukraine) 2 ship
ships (2002 Ukraine) 2 ship
ships (2003 Ukraine) 2 ship
The Snow Queen 2
treasures from Ukrainian museums 2
Ukrainian Writers 2
winemaking in Ukraine 2