Stamp data values used for `var'

This page lists the different values recorded for each field of a stamp type. You can click on column headings to sort by value or frequency of use.

issuer | function | year | month | day | issue | denom | currency | denom2 | ndenom | ndenom2 | base year | base month | base day | color | design type | design | var | watermark | perf | overprint | ovpt color | on-desc-id | on-issuer | on-id | wmkorient | inscription | imprint | paper | paper color | print | plate | tagging | gum | emboss | shape | width | height | quantity | census | unissued | cat val | issue sortpos | sortpos |

368 distinct values used for variant among 754552 stamp types.

Value Uses
wide margins 549
colored numerals 282
varnished 266
joined character 167
N under U 146
3 140
secret mark 128
no frame line 114
2 67
single heavy circle 58
1 56
N under B 52
I 47
redrawn 47
frame line 44
varnish bars 36
xyz 33
narrow 31
1895 27
S. Tome e Principe 27
smaller 27
thick numerals 26
1894 25
no imprint 25
1992 24
no period after value 23
re-engraved 22
1900 21
postage & revenue 20
Belgie-Belgique 19
II 19
ornaments at bottom 19
1903 18
crossed lines 18
Postage 18
S. Tome 18
3,line connected 17
die2 17
handstamp a 17
no RF 17
1905 16
Belgique-Belgie 16
double circle 16
narrow space 16
period after value 16
1901 15
3,extra curl 15
dated 1982 15
English 15
French 15
larger 15
1 column 14
Afrikaans 14
bowstring in front 2 14
imprint 14
top dot char 14
large numerals 13
no name 13
P&R 13
thin numerals 13
control numbers 12
b 11
die 2 11
name 11
no zeros 11
postes postage 11
1983 10
2 column 10
compass projects 10
die1 10
horiz lines 10
Lit. Medellin 10
narrow margins 10
posthorn on back 10
white numerals 10
heavy shading 9
one and a half 9
secret mark,star in button 9
1902 8
a 8
back figures 8
end between legs 8
German 8
graphite lines 8
Italian 8
Lit. Nacional 8
Republica 8
solid bg 8
top cup char 8
type I 8
2005 7
Flemish 7
network points down 7
network points up 7
4 6
bowstring in front 1 6
fine print 6
no shading 6
outer bars 6
reengraved 6
1968 5
GR 5
inscr. Eva Peron 5
name white 5
no bars 5
no frame 5
one and half 5
phosphor only on animals 5
plain 5
Sandy's 5
thick 5 5
thin 5 5
16 dots 4
1965 4
2010 4
bowstring in front 4
dot 4
dotting 4
Flemish first 4
frame 4
framed 4
French first 4
gold frame 4
KR 4
larger head 4
larger numerals 4
name colored 4
no dot 4
paper colored through 4
red bar 4
screen 4
solid 4
straight hair 4
Type I 4
Type III 4
unframed 4
water lily 4
worn 4
180 degree label 3
18mm 3
1969 3
2 1/2mm 3
2 dots 3
2012 3
3 dots 3
3mm 3
4 1/2mm 3
7 3
A 3
arms 3
arms inscription on back 3
backprinting 3
clear 3
coarse 3
corrected 3
curled hair 3
darker sky lines 3
diff frame 3
fine 3
full phosphor 3
lined numerals 3
new die 3
redrawn char 3
ruled bg&dots dashes in coils 3
ruled bg&fine lines in coils 3
secret mark,no star in button 3
small numerals 3
solid numerals 3
t1 3
t2 3
t3 3
thin lines 3
thin lines right of d 3
type II 3
wavy 3
wavy frame lines 3
white line 3
14 dots 2
21mm 2
40 asterisks 2
5 2
5a 2
6 2
B 2
B die 2
colored margins 2
control number 2
Cs 2
darker 2
diaresis 2
DOS large 2
DOS small 2
double line frame 2
hyphenated 2
lei 2
lighter 2
name in bl 2
no accent 2
no serifs 2
no Togo 2
number on back 2
numerals upright 2
overall tagged 2
phosphor bands 2
Sandys 2
serifs 2
Singhalese&English 2
Singhalese&Tamil 2
square dots right of d 2
Type I 10c 2
Type Ia 2
Type II (10c) 2
Type II (1c) 2
Type II (5c) 2
Type IIIa 2
Type IV (10c) 2
Type IV (1c) 2
Type V 2
type2 2
Urdu reversed 2
10 lines 1
11 lines in star 1
13 lines 1
15c 1
15mm 1
16 lines 1
16 lines in star 1
16mm 1
17mm 1
17x20 1
1982 1
1995 1
1996 1
2002 1
2003 1
2004 1
200f 1
21x25 1
2k 1
39 asterisks 1
4 twists 1
49 pearls 1
5 twists 1
52 pearls 1
9 lines 1
bani 1
Beguia 1
Belgish Congo 1
bl 1996 1
bl frame 1
black bar 1
blue 1995 1
canoe empty 1
centavo 1
centavos 1
center inverted 1
char redrawn 1
colored margins, center missing 1
colorless bg 1
Congo Belge 1
crossed swords 1
Ct 1
curving shoulder 1
Czech flag corrected 1
de 1
Defence 1
Defense 1
die 1 1
die 3 1
die I 1
die II 1
downward 1
europaens 1
europaeus 1
F with serifs 1
F without serifs 1
forgery 1
heavier 5 1
inverted yellow 1
large 1
large blue 1995 1
large denom 1
large head 1
large letters 1
larger pearls 1
larger value letters 1
letters spaced 1
lighter 5 1
lined bg 1
lines added 1
man in canoe 1
no 180 degree label 1
no microprinting 1
no mk 1
no other countries 1
no serif 1
nondenom 1
normal z 1
numeral diagonal 1
other 1
other countries 1
otherother 1
oval O 1
piastre 1
piastres 1
Postage & Revenue (Grenada) 1
POSTAGE 2.5mm 1
POSTAGE 3.5mm 1
Postage&Revenue 1
red 1995 1
redrawn 5 lines 1
Reichsmark 1
retouch 1 1
retouch 2 1
reversed z 1
round O 1
Royal Visit 1954 1
signed A.C.M. 1
signed ACM, AC connected 1
single line frame 1
small 1
small c 1
small denom 1
small figures 1
small head 1
small letters 1
spelling fixed 1
stroke missing 1
strong frame line 1
sur 1
surcharge inscription on back 1
three lines 1
two line 1
Type Ib 1
type II (Russia) 1
type1 1
upward 1
value 16.5mm 1
value 19mm 1
vio 1996 1
vio 1996 large 1
walter lily 1
weak frame line 1
white 1
white bg 1
with gutter 1
without signature 1
year at lower left 1
year at lower right 1