Desc: 47p
Currency: Pound sterling (100p=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 2820
Users of this denom: Great Britain (27 stamps, 2002-2006), Guernsey (12 stamps, 2006-2022), Alderney (6 stamps, 2006-2012), Jersey (25 stamps, 2002-2016), Isle of Man (12 stamps, 2002-2017)
Used by 82 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Jersey 1/22/2002 47p dt=State Vessels perf=13x13.25
Jersey 4/16/2002 47p issue=100th Anniversary of La Moye Golf Club perf=14.25x14
Jersey 5/24/2002 47p dt=Police vehicles of Jersey perf=13x13.25
Jersey 6/18/2002 47p dt=insects (2002 Jersey) d=Anax imperator (2002 Jersey) perf=14.75x14.25
Great Britain 7/4/2002 47p blgrn issue=2002 d=Queen Elizabeth II (Machin) perf=14.75x14.25
Great Britain 7/16/2002 47p issue=Commonwealth Games 2002 d=Long jumping perf=14.5
Jersey 8/8/2002 47p issue=100th Anniversary of the Battle of Flowers Festival perf=13x13.25
Great Britain 8/20/2002 47p issue=Peter Pan 150th dt=characters from Peter Pan d=Captain Hook
Great Britain 9/10/2002 47p dt=London bridges over Thames d=Blackfriars Bridge
Great Britain 10/8/2002 47p issue=pillar box 150th dt=pillar boxes (2002) d=Double Aperture Box 1939
Jersey 10/12/2002 47p dt=cats (2002 Jersey) d=British Silver Tabby Felis silvestris catus perf=14.75x14.25
Isle of Man 11/5/2002 47p issue=Christmas 2002 perf=14x14.5
Great Britain 11/5/2002 47p issue=Christmas 2002 d=mistletoe
Jersey 11/23/2002 47p dt=Postal History - Letter Boxes 1852-2002 d=Elizabeth 2 Pillar Box perf=14.5x14.25
Great Britain 12/5/2002 47p brn issue=2002 Wilding retro d=Queen Elizabeth II (Wilding f)
Jersey 1/21/2003 47p issue=20th Century Aviation d=Vickers 701 Viscount perf=13x13.25
Great Britain 2/25/2003 47p issue=Genome d=Genetic Engineering
Great Britain 4/29/2003 47p issue=Extreme Endeavours d=Sir Francis Chichester (1901-1972)
Isle of Man 6/9/2003 47p issue=21st birthday of Prince William perf=13.25x13.5
Great Britain 6/17/2003 47p issue=Prince William 21st d=Prince William Photo by Camera Press
Great Britain 7/15/2003 47p issue=Scotland d=Glenfinnan Viaduct, Lochaber
Great Britain 8/12/2003 47p dt=pub signs d=The Mayflower (2003)
Isle of Man 10/1/2003 47p issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Henry Bloom Noble d=Mary I
Great Britain 10/7/2003 47p issue=The British Museum d=Mask of Xiuhtecuhtli
Isle of Man 11/5/2003 47p issue=Christmas 2003 perf=14.25
Isle of Man 12/17/2003 47p dt=scenes from The Return of the King d=Frodo & Sam perf=13.25
Great Britain 1/13/2004 47p dt=classic locomotives d=SR West Country 4-6-2 Bluebell Railway, East Sussex
Great Britain 3/16/2004 47p dt=views of Northern Ireland d=Glenelly Valley, Sperrins
Isle of Man 4/6/2004 47p issue=60th Anniversary of Operation Overlord perf=14
Isle of Man 4/6/2004 47p issue=60th Anniversary of Operation Overlord perf=14
Great Britain 4/13/2004 47p issue=Ocean Liners dt=ocean liners (2004) d=RMS Mauretania 1907
Great Britain 5/25/2004 47p issue=Royal Horticultural Society 200th d=Lilium perf=14.5
Great Britain 7/15/2004 47p issue=A British Journey d=Wales - Rhewl, Dee Valley, Wales perf=14.5
Great Britain 8/10/2004 47p issue=Celebrates 250th Anniversary of the Royal Society of Arts d=George Smart Chimney sweeping apparatus
Isle of Man 11/9/2004 47p issue=Christmas 2004 perf=12.5x13
Great Britain 3/15/2005 47p issue=Magic - A celebration of the Centenary of the Magic Circle d=Knotted Scarf Trick perf=14.5x14
Great Britain 4/21/2005 47p issue=World Heritage sites, Australia-UK joint d=Greater Blue Mountains Area perf=14.5
Great Britain 4/21/2005 47p issue=World Heritage sites, Australia-UK joint d=Blenheim Palace, England perf=14.5
Great Britain 7/19/2005 47p dt=motorcycles (2005) d=Triumph Speed Twin 1938
Great Britain 8/23/2005 47p issue=Changing Tastes in Britain d=Pasta perf=14.5
Great Britain 9/15/2005 47p issue=ITV 50th d=The Avengers perf=14.5x14
Alderney 2/16/2006 47p issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of T. H. White dt=King Arthur legend d=Lancelot
Guernsey 2/16/2006 47p issue=150th Anniversary of the Victoria Cross d=Battle of Rorkes Drift 1879
Great Britain 2/23/2006 47p issue=Brunel 200th d=PSS Great Eastern
Great Britain 3/21/2006 47p issue=Ice Age Animals dt=Ice Age animals d=Woolly Rhino
Guernsey 5/20/2006 47p issue=Europa 2006 d=Statue of Liberty (2006)
Guernsey 5/20/2006 47p issue=200th Anniversary of Isambard Kingdom Brunel d=TSS Ibex (1891)
Guernsey 5/20/2006 47p issue=Andy Priauix's Motor Racing Victories d=Nurburgring Germany 2005 perf=13.5
Guernsey 7/27/2006 47p issue=Designation of L'Eree Wetland as Ramsar Site d=Yellow Poppy - Glaucium flavum
Alderney 7/27/2006 47p dt=migratory birds (2006) d=kittiwake
(plus 32 more) (See all uses as list)