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2000k denom (#17660)

  • Colnect-1502-684-Green-throated-Sunbird-Chalcomitra-rubescens.jpg
  • Colnect-488-976-Black-crowned-Night-heron%C2%A0Nyciticorax-nyciticorax.jpg
  • Colnect-3507-622-Red-collared-Lorikeet%C2%A0-%C2%A0Trichoglossus-rubritorquis.jpg
  • Colnect-539-177-African-Elephant-Loxodonta-africana.jpg
  • Colnect-2232-722-HMS-Triumph.jpg
  • Colnect-2232-721-HMS-Victorius.jpg
  • Colnect-2232-720-HMS-Churchill.jpg
  • Colnect-2232-719-HMS-Unicorn.jpg
  • Colnect-2232-718-HMS-Opossum.jpg
  • Colnect-2232-717-HMS-Tabard.jpg
  • ZM002.02.jpg
  • ZM018.02.jpg
  • ZM017.02.jpg
  • ZM016.02.jpg
  • ZM014.02.jpg
  • ZM001.02.jpg
  • ZM003.02.jpg
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  • ZM005.02.jpg
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  • ZM015.02.jpg
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  • ZM012.02.jpg
  • ZM070.02.jpg
  • ZM065.02.jpg
  • ZM066.02.jpg
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  • ZM068.02.jpg
  • ZM069.02.jpg
  • ZM072.02.jpg
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  • ZM074.02.jpg
  • ZM073.02.jpg
  • ZM004.08.jpg
  • ZM003.08.jpg
  • ZM002.08.jpg
  • ZM001.08.jpg
  • ZM002.09.jpg
Desc: 2000k

Currency: Zambian kwacha (100n=1k=1zmk=1zk)

Numerical sorting value: 12000000

Users of this denom: Zambia (87 stamps, 1994-2009)

Used by 87 stamps of Zambia: (See all uses as list)

5/30/1994 2000k issue=1994 dt=sunbirds (1994) d=Chalcomitra rubescens
5/26/1997 2000k issue=Deng Xiaoping memorial
1/30/1998 2000k issue=50th Anniversary of the Death of Mahatma Gandhi
12/2/1998 2000k issue=Christmas 1998
12/2/1998 2000k issue=Christmas 1998
1/4/1999 2000k issue=Year of the Rabbit 1999
9/1/1999 2000k issue=99th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
9/1/1999 2000k issue=99th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
9/1/1999 2000k issue=99th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
9/1/1999 2000k issue=99th birthday of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
10/4/1999 2000k issue=250th Anniversary of the Birth of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
10/4/1999 2000k issue=250th Anniversary of the Birth of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
10/4/1999 2000k issue=250th Anniversary of the Birth of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
10/21/1999 2000k issue=CHINA '99
12/20/1999 2000k issue=Birds 1999 dt=birds (1999 Zambia) d=Nycticorax nyctocora
9/8/2000 2000k issue=Exotic Birds of the Tropics d=Trichoglossus haematodus (2000)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Panthera leo (2001 Zambia)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Choeropsis liberiensis (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Panthera leo (2001 Zambia)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Alcelaphus buselaphus (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Balearica pavonina (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Phacochoerus africanus
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Aepycerus melampus
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Loxodonta africana (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Hylochoerus meinertzhageni
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Ceratotherium simum (2001 Zambia)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Pan troglodytes (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Nasalis larvatus (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Merops apiaster (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Laniarius atrococcineus (2001 Zambia)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=genet Genetta genetta (2001)
3/30/2001 2000k issue=Animals 2001 d=Galago senegalensis (2001)
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the First Royal Submarine Launch d=HMS Churchill (2001 Zambia)
7/30/2001 2000k issue=Zeppelin - The Man and His Airships
7/30/2001 2000k issue=Zeppelin - The Man and His Airships
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Queen Victoria
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the First Royal Submarine Launch d=HMS Triumph (S93)
7/30/2001 2000k issue=Zeppelin - The Man and His Airships
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the First Royal Submarine Launch d=HMS Opossum
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the First Royal Submarine Launch d=HMS Tabard
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the First Royal Submarine Launch d=HMS Victorious built 1992
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Queen Victoria
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Queen Victoria
7/30/2001 2000k issue=100th Anniversary of the First Royal Submarine Launch d=HMS Unicorn
7/30/2001 2000k issue=Zeppelin - The Man and His Airships
7/30/2001 2000k issue=Zeppelin - The Man and His Airships
(plus 37 more) (See all uses as list)