Desc: 2 1/2r
Currency: Mozambican real (1000r=1m)
Numerical sorting value: 150
Users of this denom: Inhambane (3 stamps, 1903-1917), Lourenco Marques (4 stamps, 1893-1911), Mozambique (8 stamps, 1893-1917), Mozambique Company (7 stamps, 1894-1917), Nyassa (4 stamps, 1898-1911), Zambezia (4 stamps, 1894-1917)
Used by 30 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Mozambique 2 1/2r ltvio d=King Manuel II unissued
Mozambique newspaper 1893 2 1/2r perf=11.5
Lourenco Marques newspaper 7/28/1893 2 1/2r brn
Zambezia newspaper 1894 2 1/2r brn
Mozambique Company newspaper 1894 2 1/2r brn perf=11.5
Mozambique Company 1895 2 1/2r olyel&blk issue=1895 d=arms of Mozambique Company
Lourenco Marques newspaper 7/1/1895 2 1/2r brn issue=St Anthony 700th
Mozambique 1898 2 1/2r rose issue=1898 provisional d=Thin "2" perf=12.5
Mozambique 1898 2 1/2r rose issue=1898 provisional d=Thick "2" perf=12.5
Lourenco Marques 1898 2 1/2r gray issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898)
Mozambique 1898 2 1/2r gray issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898) perf=11.5
Nyassa 1898 2 1/2r gray issue=1898b d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=NYASSA oc=blk on=issuer=Mozambique-2 1/2r-gray perf=11.5
Nyassa newspaper 1898 2 1/2r brn
Zambezia 1898 2 1/2r gray issue=1898 d=King Carlos (1898)
Mozambique Company 5/16/1898 2 1/2r olyel&blk issue=400th Anniversary of the Discovery of Sea Route to India
Nyassa 1901 2 1/2r blk&redbrn issue=1901 d=giraffe & palms
Inhambane 1/1/1903 2 1/2r gray d=King Carlos (1898)
Mozambique Company 1907 2 1/2r gray&blk issue=1895 d=arms of Mozambique Company
Zambezia 1911 2 1/2r gray issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=blk on=issue=1898-2 1/2r-gray
Mozambique Company 1911 2 1/2r gray issue=1911b ovpt=REPUBLICA(up) oc=blk on=2 1/2r-gray
Nyassa 1911 2 1/2r blk&dlvio issue=1911 ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=blk on=2 1/2r-blk&dlvio-unissued
Mozambique Company 1911 2 1/2r gray issue=1911a ovpt=REPUBLICA(down) oc=blk on=2 1/2r-gray
Mozambique 1911 2 1/2r gray issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=blk on=issue=1898-2 1/2r-gray perf=11.5
Lourenco Marques 1911 2 1/2r gray issue=1911 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=blk on=issue=1898-2 1/2r-gray
Inhambane 1911 2 1/2r gray d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(serifs) oc=car on=2 1/2r-gray
Mozambique 1912 2 1/2r ltvio issue=Manuel d=King Manuel II ovpt=REPUBLICA oc=blk on=King Manuel II-unissued
Mozambique Company semipostal 1917 2 1/2r gray ovpt=cross oc=blk on=issue=1911b-2 1/2r
Mozambique 1917 2 1/2r gray issue=1917 ovpt=REPUBLICA block oc=blk on=2 1/2r-gray
Zambezia 1917 2 1/2r gray issue=1917 d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=blk on=issue=1898-2 1/2r-gray
Inhambane 1917 2 1/2r gray d=King Carlos (1898) ovpt=REPUBLICA(block) oc=car on=1903-2 1/2r-gray