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3600Fr denom (#46562)

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Desc: 3600Fr

Currency: Central African CFA franc (100c=1fr)

Numerical sorting value: 21600000

Users of this denom: Central African Republic (238 stamps, 2017-2020)

Used by 238 stamps of Central African Republic: (See all uses as list)

1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Turtles 2017 d=Chelydra serpentina (2017)
1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Endangered Marine Life Species 2017 d=Cheilinus undulatus (2017)
1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Birds of Prey 2017 d=Caracara plancus
1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Orchids and Butterflies d=Sophronitis brevipedunculata, Polyura jalysus
1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Owls 2017 d=Strix occidentalis (2017)
1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Parrots 2017 d=Cyanoliseus patagonus
1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Winter Olympic 2014 in 2017
1/16/2017 3600Fr issue=Water Birds 2017 d=Fratercula cirrhata (2017)
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=500th Anniversary of Reformation d=Martin Luther, 1483-1546
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=Michele Morgan memorial
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=55th Anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Russian Revolution d=Lenin (Vladimir Ilyich Uluanov, 1870-1924
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=160th Anniversary of the Indian Revolution d=James Broun-Ramsay, 1812-1860;...
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Birth of John F. Kennedy d=John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=Fire Engines 2017
3/21/2017 3600Fr issue=75th Anniversary of the Battle of Stalingrad
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Edgar Degas
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=Ships in Paintings 2017
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=Lighthouses 2017
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=Nude Paintings 2017
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=Self-portraits 2017
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=Still Life Paintings 2017
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=Paintings of Landscapes 2017
5/19/2017 3600Fr issue=George Michael memorial
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=Concorde 2017
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=190th Anniversary of the Death of Ludwig van Beethoven
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=European High-Speed Trains 2017 d=Eurostar e320
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=Sled Dogs 2017 d=Chinook
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=Steam Trains 2017 d=Steamer Val-de-Travers (Tigerli...
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=50th Anniversary of the Fatal Accident of Donald Campbell, 1921-1967
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Death of Ferdinand von Zeppelin
6/26/2017 3600Fr issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Wilbur Wright
7/17/2017 3600Fr issue=100th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun
7/17/2017 3600Fr issue=20th Anniversary of the Death of Mother Teresa
7/17/2017 3600Fr issue=Mahatma Gandhi 2017
7/17/2017 3600Fr issue=Nelson Mandela 2017
7/17/2017 3600Fr issue=150th Anniversary of the Birth of Marie Curie
7/17/2017 3600Fr issue=60th Anniversary of the Launch of Sputnik 1
7/17/2017 3600Fr issue=95th Anniversary of the Death of Ernest Henry Shackleton
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=Chess 2017 d=Vladimir Kramnik
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=Roger Moore memorial d=Citroen 2CV 007
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=Water Sports 2017 d=Surf Loch
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=World Championships in Athletics 2017 d=Raphael Holzdeppe
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=120th Anniversary of the First Boston Marathon d=Ellison "Tarzan" Brown
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=30th Anniversary of the Birth of Lionel Messi
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=30th Anniversary of the Birth of Andy Murray
8/21/2017 3600Fr issue=Ice Hockey World Championship 2017
9/22/2017 3600Fr issue=Fire Engines 2017 d=Seagrave Marauder
9/22/2017 3600Fr issue=75th Anniversary of the Birth of Paul McCartney
9/22/2017 3600Fr issue=Speed Trains 2017 d=JR Central´s Class 923 ¨Doctor Yellow¨, Japan
(plus 188 more) (See all uses as list)