Desc: 10b
Currency: Romanian leu (100b=1l)
Numerical sorting value: 600
Users of this denom: Romanian occupation of Hungary (8 stamps, 1919), Romania (178 stamps, 1869-1974), Austrian occupation of Romania (2 stamps, 1917-1918), German occupation of Romania (10 stamps, 1917-1918), Romanian offices in the Turkish Empire (1 stamp, 1919)
Used by 199 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Romania 4/1869 10b bl d=Prince Carol (1869) imperf
Romania 1871 10b bl issue=1871 d=Prince Carol (1872 a)
Romania 1871 10b yel issue=1871 d=Prince Carol (1872 a) imperf paper=laid
Romania 1871 10b yel issue=1871 d=Prince Carol (1872 a)
Romania 1872 10b ultra issue=1872a d=Prince Carol (1872 a) imperf paper=laid
Romania 1872 10b prusbl issue=1872a d=Prince Carol (1872 a) imperf
Romania 1872 10b bl issue=1872c d=Prince Carol (1872 b) perf=14x13.5
Romania 1872 10b bl issue=1872b d=Prince Carol (1872 a) perf=12.5 paper=wove
Romania 1872 10b ultra issue=1872a d=Prince Carol (1872 a) imperf
Romania 1876 10b bl issue=1876 d=King Carol I (1876)
Romania 1876 10b ultra issue=1876 d=King Carol I (1876)
Romania 1879 10b rose issue=1879 d=Carol I
Romania postage due 1881 10b brown issue=1881 dues d=numeral (1881 Romania) perf=variable
Romania postage due 1885 10b palered brown issue=1881 dues d=numeral (1881 Romania) perf=variable
Romania 1885 10b rose issue=1885b d=King Carol I (1885) perf=VARIOUS
Romania 1885 10b rose pc=buff issue=1885b d=King Carol I (1885)
Romania postage due 1887 10b gray green issue=1881 dues d=numeral (1881 Romania) perf=variable
Romania postage due 1888 10b green issue=1881 dues d=numeral (1881 Romania) perf=variable paper=yellowish
Romania 10/14/1889 10b rose issue=1889 d=King Carol I (1885) wmk=arms (Romania)
Romania postage due 1890 10b emerald issue=1881 dues d=numeral (1881 Romania) wmk=arms (Romania) perf=variable
Romania 10/1/1890 10b red d=King Carol I (1890) wmk=arms (Romania)
Romania 2/10/1891 10b ltred d=King Carol I (1890)
Romania 5/20/1891 10b red issue=coronation 25th d=King Carol I (1891)
Romania 1893 10b emer issue=1893 d=King Carol I (1893 10b) wmk=PR
Romania postage due 1898 10b blue green issue=1881 dues d=numeral (1881 Romania) wmk=PR perf=variable
Romania 7/1899 10b rose issue=1893 d=King Carol I (1893 10b) wmk=PR
Romania 7/1900 10b rose issue=1900a d=King Carol I (1893 10b) perf=VARIOUS
Romania 7/1900 10b rose issue=1900b d=King Carol I (1893 10b) wmk=large arms perf=11.5, 13.5, 11.5x13.5 & 13.5x11.5
Romania postage due 1902 10b green issue=1881 dues d=numeral (1881 Romania) perf=variable paper=thin, rose on back
Romania 1903 10b rose issue=1903a d=mail coach leaving post office wmk=large arms perf=14x13.5
Romania semipostal 3/1/1906 10b carrose issue=Nurse and Soldier wmk=large arms
Romania 6/1906 10b car&blk issue=kingdom of Romania 25th d=King Carol I (1906) wmk=large arms perf=12
Romania 7/1906 10b car&blk issue=Carol I 40th d=Carol I meets Osman Pasha wmk=large arms perf=12
Romania 10/29/1906 10b car&blk issue=General Exposition d=plowman & angel wmk=large arms perf=11.5
Romania 1908 10b car issue=1908 d=King Carol I (1908) wmk=large arms perf=VARIOUS
Romania postage due 1908 10b grn d=numeral (1908 Romania) perf=variable paper=white
Romania 1909 10b rose issue=1909 d=King Carol I (1909) wmk=large arms perf=11.5, 13.5, 11.5x13.5 & 13.5x11.5
Romania postage due 6/1/1911 10b dkbl issue=1911 due wmk=PR interlaced perf=11.5 - 13.5
Romania 12/25/1913 10b org&brn issue=annexation of South Dobruja d=Constanța wmk=large arms
Romania postal tax 1915 10b car d=King Carol I (1908) ovpt=TIMBRU//DE AJUTOR oc=blk on=1908-10b-car wmk=large arms perf=VARIOUS
Romania postal tax 1916 10b brn issue=1916 postal tax d=queen weaving
German occupation of Romania postal tax 1917 10b issue=1917 tax b wmk=lozenges
German occupation of Romania postal tax 1917 10b issue=1917 tax a wmk=lozenges
German occupation of Romania postal tax 1917 10b issue=1917 tax b wmk=lozenges
German occupation of Romania 1917 10b car issue=1917c d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=Rumanien//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1905-10pf-car wmk=lozenges
German occupation of Romania 1917 10b car issue=1917b d=Germania (Deutsches Reich) ovpt=M.V.iR.(fraktur)//value oc=blk on=issuer=Germany-1905-10pf-car wmk=lozenges
Austrian occupation of Romania 1917 10b d=Emperor Karl I (1917) perf=12.5
Austrian occupation of Romania 1918 10b issue=1918a d=Emperor Karl I (1918) perf=12.5
Romania postal tax 1918 10b grayblk issue=1916 postal tax d=queen weaving
Romania postage due 1918 10b red wmk=large arms perf=11.5
(plus 149 more) (See all uses as list)