Desc: 3 1/2d
Currency: Australian pound (240d=240p=20sh=20s=1lb)
Numerical sorting value: 210
Users of this denom: Australia (34 stamps, 1941-1959), New Guinea (3 stamps, 1934), Norfolk Island (1 stamp, 1953)
Used by 38 stamps: (See all uses as list)
New Guinea official 1934 3 1/2d mag issue=1932 official d=Raggiana bird-of-paradise (no dates) on=issue=1932-3 1/2d
New Guinea airmail 9/14/1934 3 1/2d mag issue=1932 air d=Raggiana bird-of-paradise (no dates) ovpt=biplane//AIR//MAIL oc=blk on=3 1/2d-Raggiana bird-of-paradise (no dates)
New Guinea 9/14/1934 3 1/2d mag issue=1932 d=Raggiana bird-of-paradise (no dates)
Australia 12/10/1941 3 1/2d dkultra d=King George VI (1940) ovpt=value oc=blk&yel on=1940-3p-dkultra wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=15x14
Australia 1942 3 1/2d bl issue=1942 d=King George VI & Wrens wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=15x14
Australia 2/19/1945 3 1/2d bl d=Duchess of Gloucester & Duke of Gloucester wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=14.5
Australia 2/18/1946 3 1/2d bl issue=Peace d=flag&dove wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=14.5
Australia 10/14/1946 3 1/2d bl d=Thomas Mitchell wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=14.5
Australia 9/8/1947 3 1/2d dpbl issue=Newcastle 150th d=pouring steel wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=14.5
Australia 10/10/1949 3 1/2d viobl issue=UPU 75th d=postrider looking at airplane perf=15x14
Australia 11/28/1951 3 1/2d redbrn issue=1951 dt=George VI profiles d=King George VI (1951 Australia) perf=15x14
Australia 11/19/1952 3 1/2d redbrn d=Boy Scout wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=14x15
Australia 2/11/1953 3 1/2d red issue=food production d=wheat perf=14.5
Australia 2/11/1953 3 1/2d red issue=food production d=beef perf=14.5
Australia 2/11/1953 3 1/2d red issue=food production d=butter perf=14.5
Australia 4/21/1953 3 1/2d red issue=1953 d=Queen Elizabeth II profile wmk=mult small crown & CofA perf=15x14
Australia 5/25/1953 3 1/2d red issue=Coronation 1953 d=crown & Queen Elizabeth II perf=15x14
Norfolk Island 6/10/1953 3 1/2d redbrn issue=1953 d=warder's tower perf=14.5x15
Australia 9/3/1953 3 1/2d brn&grn d=young farmers perf=14.5
Australia 9/23/1953 3 1/2d brn issue=Tasmania 150th d=Lt.Govr. D. Collins perf=15x14
Australia 9/23/1953 3 1/2d brn issue=Tasmania 150th d=Paterson perf=15x14
Australia 2/2/1954 3 1/2d red issue=Royal Visit 1954 d=Queen Elizabeth II & Prince Philip (1954) perf=14
Australia 4/7/1954 3 1/2d dkred issue=telegraph in Australia 100th d=Telegraphs in Australia perf=14
Australia 6/9/1954 3 1/2d bl&red issue=Australian Red Cross Society 40th d=Red Cross & globe showing Australia perf=14.5
Australia 8/2/1954 3 1/2d blk issue=Western Australia stamp 100th d=first Western Australian stamp perf=14.5
Australia 9/13/1954 3 1/2d brn issue=railroad 100th d=locomotive of 1854 & modern train perf=14
Australia 11/17/1954 3 1/2d blk d=Antarctic map perf=14.5x13.5
Australia 2/23/1955 3 1/2d issue=Rotary 50th d=globe & Rotary emblem perf=14x14.5
Australia 5/4/1955 3 1/2d dpultra issue=13th Anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea d=U.S.A. Memorial perf=14x14.5
Australia 7/6/1955 3 1/2d sep d=Cobb & Company Mail Coach perf=14.5x14
Australia 8/10/1955 3 1/2d prusgrn&red issue=YMCA 100th d=YMCA emblem & Map of the World perf=14.5x14
Australia 9/21/1955 3 1/2d issue=Florence Nightingale 100th d=Florence Nightingale (1955 Australia) perf=14x14.5
Australia 10/17/1955 3 1/2d issue=South Australia stamp 100th d=First stamp of South Australia perf=14.5
Australia 7/2/1956 3 1/2d dkred issue=1956a d=Queen Elizabeth II (1956 Australia a) perf=15x14
Australia 9/26/1956 3 1/2d issue=responsible government 100th perf=14.5x14
Australia 11/6/1957 3 1/2d car issue=Christmas 1957 d=child & star perf=14.5x14
Australia 11/5/1958 3 1/2d dkcar issue=Christmas 1958 d=nativity perf=14.5x15
Australia 3/18/1959 3 1/2d dkgrn issue=1959 d=Queen Elizabeth II (1959 3 1/2d)