Prev: arms of Sweden (1874)
Next: arms of Sweden (1910)

arms of Sweden (1910 b)

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Short desc: arms of Sweden (1910 b)

Things in this design:
arms arms of Sweden

This design is used by 26 stamps: (See all uses as list)
1910 1o blk issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1910 5o grn issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1910 8o vio issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1910 10o red issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1910 15o brn issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1910 30o brn issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1911 1o blk issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 2o yel issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 3o ltbrn issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 4o vio issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 5o grn issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 7o blkgrn issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 8o redvio issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 10o red issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 12o issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 15o redbrn issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 20o bl issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 20o bl issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1911 25o org issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 25o brn issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1911 30o brn issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 35o vio issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 50o gray issue=1910 official b wmk=wavy lines (Sweden) perf=13
1911 50o gray issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)
1911 5kr vio issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden) perf=13
1914 1kr blk issue=1910 official a wmk=crown (Sweden)

All are Sweden official