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John Glenn

  • Colnect-441-014-JHGlenn-lo%C4%8F-Mercury.jpg
  • Colnect-2682-268-Astronaut-John-HGlenn.jpg
Short desc: John Glenn

Things in this design:
person John Glenn

This design is used by 5 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Czechoslovakia 4/27/1964 80h dt=astronauts (1964) perf=11.25
Benin airmail 2/21/1982 500f issue=20th Anniversary of First United States Manned Space Flight
St. Vincent 9/15/1998 $2 issue=19th World Scout Jamboree wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.25
St. Vincent 5/6/1999 $1 issue=History of Space Exploration wmk=St Edwards crown & CA perf=14.25
Central African Republic 10/23/2017 850fr issue=Freemasons 2017