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Carthaginian coin

  • Colnect-1732-136-Carthaginian-coin.jpg
  • Colnect-4518-352-Festival-of-Folk-Arts-in-Carthage.jpg
  • Colnect-4518-353-Festival-of-Folk-Arts-in-Carthage.jpg
  • Colnect-4518-354-Popular-Arts-Festival.jpg
Short desc: Carthaginian coin

Things in this design:
coin Carthaginian coin

This design is used by 4 stamps: (See all uses as list)
Tunisia 7/9/1965 5m grn&dkbrn issue=Festival of Popular Arts, Carthage perf=13x14
Tunisia 7/9/1965 10m och&dkbrn issue=Festival of Popular Arts, Carthage perf=13x14
Tunisia 7/9/1965 75m bl&dkbrn issue=Festival of Popular Arts, Carthage perf=13x14
Mali 8/24/1994 225fr dt=Works of Art (1994)