Stamp catalog
Joint Issues
arms of Suhl
arms of Sumy region
arms of sultan & tughra
Short desc: arms of sultan & tughra
Things in this design:
arms of sultan
This design is used by 30 stamps:
(See all uses as list)
Turkey 3/1892 10pa graygrn issue=1892 perf=13.5
Turkey 3/1892 20pa pink issue=1892 perf=13.5
Turkey 3/1892 1pi palebl issue=1892 perf=13.5
Turkey 3/1892 2pi brnorg issue=1892 perf=13.5
Turkey 3/1892 5pi dlvio issue=1892 perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1893 10pa graygrn issue=newspaper 1893 ovpt=yyy oc=blk on=1892-10pa-graygrn perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1893 1pi palebl issue=newspaper 1893 ovpt=yyy oc=blk on=1892-1pi perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1893 2pi brnorg issue=newspaper 1893 ovpt=yyy oc=blk on=1892-2pi perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1893 5pi dlvio issue=newspaper 1893 ovpt=ﻪﻋ ﻮﺒﻂﻣ oc=blk on=1892-5pi perf=13.5
Turkey 1897 5pa graygrn ovpt=Cinq Paras oc=blk on=1892-10pa-graygrn perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1897 5pa graygrn ovpt=Cinq Paras newspaper oc=blk on=1892-10pa-graygrn perf=13.5
Turkey 1898 20pa viobrn issue=1892
Turkey newspaper 1898 20pa viobrn issue=newspaper 1893 ovpt=yyy oc=blk on=1898-20pa-viobrn
Turkey 1915 5pa graygrn issue=1915b ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1897-5pa-ovpt=Cinq Paras perf=13.5
Turkey 1915 10pa graygrn issue=1915a ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1892-10pa-graygrn perf=13.5
Turkey 1915 2pi brnorg issue=1915a ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1892-2pi-brnorg perf=13.5
Turkey 1915 5pi dlvio issue=1915a ovpt=6point oc=blk on=1892-5pi-dlvio perf=13.5
Turkey 1916 5pa graygrn issue=1916b ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1897-5pa-ovpt=Cinq Paras perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1916 5pa graygrn issue=newspaper 1916b ovpt=crescent&5-point star oc=blk on=1897-5pa perf=13.5
Turkey 1916 10pa graygrn issue=1916a ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1892-10pa-graygrn perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1916 10pa graygrn issue=newspaper 1916a ovpt=crescent&5-point star oc=blk on=issue=newspaper 1893-10pa perf=13.5
Turkey 1916 20pa viobrn issue=1916a ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1898-20pa-viobrn
Turkey newspaper 1916 20pa viobrn issue=newspaper 1916a ovpt=crescent&5-point star oc=blk on=issue=newspaper 1893-20pa
Turkey 1916 2pi brnorg issue=1916a ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1892-2pi-brnorg perf=13.5
Turkey 1916 5pi dlvio issue=1916a ovpt=5point star oc=blk on=1892-5pi-dlvio perf=13.5
Turkey newspaper 1916 5pi dlvio issue=newspaper 1916a ovpt=crescent&5-point star oc=blk on=issue=newspaper 1893-5pi perf=13.5
Turkey 7/23/1916 10pa graygrn issue=constitution 9th ovpt=10 Temuz//1332(arabic) oc=blk on=1892-10pa perf=13.5
Cilicia 3/4/1919 5pa graygrn issue=1919a ovpt=CILICIE tall oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-type=newspaper-1916-10pa perf=13.5
Cilicia 3/14/1919 5pa graygrn issue=1919b ovpt=CILICIE smaller oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-type=newspaper-1897-5pa perf=13.5
Cilicia 5/1/1919 5pa graygrn issue=1919d ovpt=T.E.O.//Cilicie oc=blk on=issuer=Turkey-type=newspaper-1916-5pa perf=13.5